Supp. file 2. Morphological matrix after Chani-Posse & Ramírez-Salamanca (2020a), including the two species of Ophionthus Bernhauer, 1908. #NEXUS [written Wed Jul 15 18:20:17 COT 2020 by Mesquite version 3.61 (build 927) at DESKTOP-PMVT8PR/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=80; TAXLABELS Arrowinus_minutus Amblyopinus_emarginatus Holisus_prolixus Cyrtoquedius_frenatus_group Creophilus_maxillosus Platydracus_chrysotrichopterus Misantlius_gebieni Xenopygus_analis Nordus_elytisi Philothalpus_bilobus Philothalpus_falini Actinus_imperialis Agacerus_pectinatus Belonuchus_atticida Belonuchus_barbicornis Musicoderus_cephalotes Musicoderus_gracilis Belonuchus_albovariegatus Belonuchus_cognatus Belonuchus_haemorrhoidalis Belonuchus_mordens Belonuchus_pollens Belonuchus_rufipennis Belonuchus_subaeneus Bisnius_sordidus Cafius_seminitens Cafius_xantholoma Chroaptomus_flagrans Delgadobius_amazonensis Ecitophytes_coniceps Flohria_subcoerulea Gabrius_picipennis Hesperus_argentinus Hesperus_baltimorensis Hesperus_bruchi Hesperus_ferrugineus Paederomimus_novoteutonicus Hesperus_ornaticornis Hesperus_tremolerasi Hesperus_zitschkai Laetulonthus_laetulus Leptopeltoides_columbiensis Leptopeltus_flavipennis Linoderus_gracilipes Neopescolinus_nevermanni Odontolinus_fasciatus Ophionthus_serpentinus Ophionthus_asenjoi_sp._nov. Paederallus_sp_undescribed Paederomimus_aeneiceps Paederomimus_angusticollis Paederomimus_capitalis_group Paederomimus_cf_contractus Paederomimus_difformiceps Paederomimus__gentilis Paederomimus_lustrator_group Paederomimus_nigrinus Paederomimus_nobilis Paederomimus_pectoralis Paederomimus_salvini Pescolinus_palmatus Phileciton_badariottii Philonthus_bicoloristylus Philonthus_bonariensis Philonthus_callosipennis Philonthus_caeruleipennis Philonthus_cyanipennis Philonthus_diamantinus Philonthus_figulus Philonthus_flavolimbatus Philonthus_fulgipennides Philonthus_laetipennis Philonthus_longicornis Philonthus_lynchi Philonthus_nitidus Philonthus_rectangulus Philonthus_sericans Philonthus_splendens Proxenobius_borgmeieri Trapeziderus_diversus ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE 'Matrix in file modificated from ''''Chani-Posse and Ramirez-Salamanca 2020a'''''; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=132; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD RESPECTCASE GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j k m n p q r s t u"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 '* Head and pronotum, spine-like setae:' / absent present, 2 'Antennal insertions (ai), position in relation to frontoclypeus and eye:' / 'ai situated at the anterior margin of frontoclypeus, i.e., anterior margin of antennal cavity touching the anterior margin of frontoclypeus' ai_situated_closer_to_frontoclypeus_than_to_eye_ ai_situated_at_equal_distance_or_closer_to_eye, 3 '* Sexual dimorphism, antennal insertions, distance between each other in relation to eye (ai-ai/ai-e):' / 'absent (both male and female with same ai-ai/ai-e ratio)' 'present (only males antennal insertions equidistant from each other and eye or closer to each other than to eye)', 4 '* Sexual dimorphism, antennal lenght:' / 'absent (both male and female with same lenght)' 'present (i.e.,longer in males)', 5 '* Sexual dimorphism, antennomere 1, setation:' / 'absent (i.e, both male and female with same setation)' 'present (i.e., denser in males)', 6 'Antennae, relative length of antennomere 1 (a1), and antennomeres 2 (a2) and 3 (a3) combined:' / a1_distinctly_shorter_than_a2_and_a3_combined a1_as_long_as_or_longer_than_a2_and_a3_combined, 7 'Antennae, length of antennomeres 3 and 2 ratio (a3/a2):' / 'a3 not longer than a2 (maximum a3/a2 ratio 1.0)' 'a3 moderately longer than a2 (a3/a2 ratio 1.2-1.5)' 'a3 distinctly longer than a2 (a3/a2 ratio >> 1.5)', 8 'Antennae, antennomere 3, tomentose pubescence:' / absent present, 9 'Antennnae, antennomere 6, apical long setae:' / absent present, 10 '* Sexual dimorphism, head, punctation, dorsal view:' / 'absent (i.e, both male and female with same punctation)' 'present (i.e., with dense punctation in males, scarcely punctated to almost glabrous in fem', 11 '* Sexual dimorphism, head, punctation, ventral view:' / 'absent (i.e, both male and female with same punctation)' 'present (i.e., with dense punctation in males, scarcely punctated to almost glabrous in fem', 12 '* Sexual dimorphism, head, setation, ventral view:' / 'absent (i.e, both male and female with same setation)' 'present (i.e., with dense setation in males, scarce setae to almost glabrous in females)', 13 '* Sexual dimorphism, head, width:' / 'absent (both male and female with about the same width)' 'present (distinctly wider in males)', 14 '* Sexual dimorphism, frontoclypeus, emargination:' / 'absent(i.e, both male and female without emargination)' 'present (emarginate in males)', 15 'Head, neck constriction:' / neck_distinct_at_sides_only 'neck constriction fully developed, distinct all around' neck_region_indistinct, 16 'Head, dorsal basal ridge: ' / absent present, 17 'Head, ventral basal ridge (vbr), development:' / vbr_along_considerable_portion_of_its_length_confluent_with_ventral_portion_of_postoccipital_suture vbr_extending_more_or_less_parallel_to_ventral_portion_of_postoccipital_suture, 18 'Head, postgenal ridge: ' / absent present, 19 'Head, postgenal ridge (pgr) relative to ventral basal ridge (vbr), development:' / pgr_developed_ventrally_but_not_joining_vbr_medially_ pgr_joined_vbr_medially 'pgr slightly developed ventrally (rather laterally) and not joining vbr', 20 'Head, postmandibular ridge: ' / absent present, 21 'Head, postmandibular ridge (pmr) relative to mandibular base (mb):' / pmr_bordering_mb_almost_completely pmr_bordering_mb_only_laterally pmr_and_mb_separate, 22 'Head, postmandibular sulcus:' / absent present, 23 'Head, infraorbital ridge: ' / absent present, 24 'Head, infraorbital ridge (ior), development (sensu Smetana, see Chani-Posse 2014):' / ior_complete ior_extending_far_beyond_postgenal_ridge ior_reaching_postgenal_ridge_or_slightly_extending_beyond_postgenal_ridge, 25 'Head, ligula, shape:' / 'more or less bilobed, with variously developed rounded lobes' 'small, entire (or at most slightly notched medially) ', 26 'Head, mandibles, dorso-lateral groove:' / absent present, 27 'Labial palpus, relative length of palpomeres 3 (p3, apical) and 2 (p2, preapical) (p3/p2):' / p3_distinctly_shorter_than_p2 p3_and_p2_subequal_in_length p3_distinctly_longer_than_p2, 28 '* Labial palpomere 2 (when p3 distinctly shorter than p2), setae:' / basal mediobasal, 29 '* Labial palpomere 2, shape:' / cylindrical slightly_expanded_apically, 30 '* Sexual dimorphism, labial palpomere 2-3:' / 'absent (i.e., subcyindrical in both male and female)' 'present (i.e., medially expanded in males, subcylindrical in females)', 31 '*Maxillary palpus, relative length of palpomeres 4 (p4, apical) and 2 (p2) (p4/p2):' / p4_as_long_as_or_longer_than_p2 p4_distinctly_shorter_than_p2, 32 '* Sexual dimorphism, maxillary palpomere 3:' / 'absent (i.e., subcyindrical in both male and female)' 'present (i.e., apically expanded in males, subcylindrical in females)', 33 'Maxillary palpus, palpomere 4 (apical), shape:' / 'subacute, i.e., narrowed at base and evenly converging towards apex' 'fusiform to expanded apically, i.e., narrowed at base but not (or not evenly) converging towards apex' 'subcylindrical "rod-like", parallel-sided at most of its length, apex subtruncate' 'subcylindrical "rod-like", parallel-sided at most of its length, apex acute' 'extremely elongate (like in Atanygnathus)', 34 'Gular sutures (gs), development:' / gs_joined_before_neck 'gs not joined before neck, extended close to each other at base of head capsule', 35 'Gular sutures (gs), if not joined before neck, degree of separation:' / gs_slightly_separated_from_each_other gs_widely_separated_from_each_other_, 36 'Male gular sutures, if joined before neck, joining point:' / 'joined anteriorly (i.e., not farther than one half the distance between the anterior margin of mentum and the base of head along midline)' joined_posteriorly_, 37 '* Sexual dimorphism, gular sutures, if joined before neck, joining point:' / 'absent (i.e, both male and female with same joining point)' 'present (joined anteriorly on male but posteriorly on female)', 38 'Hypostomal cavity (hc):' / absent present, 39 'Hypostomal cavity (hc), if present:' / 'hc distinctly delimited (i.e., cavity surface with microsculture and/or punctation different from rest of nearby head surface)' 'hc moderately delimited (i.e., cavity surface without microsculpture or punctation different from rest of nearby head surface)' 'hc slightly delimited (cavity distinct only laterally, its surface with same microsculture or punctuation as rest of nearby head surface)', 40 'Prothorax, anterior angles (aap) relative to anterior margin of prosternum (amp):' / aap_and_amp_at_about_the_same_level aap_distinctly_posterior_to_amp, 41 '* Prothorax, pronotum, deflection (in ventral view):' / absent present, 42 '* Prothorax, pronotum, if deflected (in ventral view):' / not_visible_beyond_spiracles visible_beyond_spiracles, 43 ' Prothorax, large lateral setiferous puncture (llsp), position in relation to superior marginal line of pronotum (smlp):' / llsp_situated_very_close_to_smlp_or_at_a_distance_no_more_than_three_times_its_diameter_ llsp_situated_away_from_smlp_at_a_distance_at_least_three_times_as_large_as_its_diameter, 44 '* Prothorax, prosternum, sternacostal ridge:' / absent present, 45 '* Prothorax, prosternum, sternacostal ridge (when present):' / joining_superior_line_of_hypomeron not_joining_superior_line_of_hypomeron, 46 'Prothorax, basisternum (bs), length relative to length of furcasternum (fs) (bs/fs, measured laterally):' / 'bs slightly to moderately longer than fs (bs/fs ratio up to 1.5)' 'bs distinctly longer than fs (bs/fs ratio >> 1.5)' 'bs distinctly shorter than fs (bs/fs ratio <<1.0)', 47 'Prothorax, prosternum, transverse carina on basisternum:' / absent present, 48 'Prothorax, prosternum, transverse carina on basisternum (tc), development (when present):' / tc_rudimentary_to_uncomplete tc_complete, 49 '* Prothorax, prosternum,basisternum, microsculpture (when transverse carina present):' / 'uniform (i.e., not different at both sides of transverse carina)' 'not uniform (i.e., distinct at both sides of carina', 50 'Prothorax, prosternum, longitudinal ridge (in ventral view):' / absent present, 51 'Prosternum, keel:' / absent present, 52 'Prothorax, hypomeron, superior marginal line, deflection under anterior angles (ventral view):' / not_distinct distinct, 53 'Prothorax, hypomeron, inferior marginal line (iml), development:' / iml_not_continued_as_a_separate_entity_beyond_anterior_pronotal_angles iml_continued_as_a_separate_entity_beyond_anterior_pronotal_angles_and_curving_around_them iml_continued_as_a_separate_entity_beyond_anterior_pronotal_angles_and_continuous_with_them, 54 'Prothorax, degree of fusion of pronotum (pnt) and prosternum (pst):' / 'pnt and pst not fused in procoxal cavity, pronotosternal suture complete in cavity' 'pnt and pst at least partially fused, pronotosternal suture missing in part of cavity', 55 'Prothorax, prosternum, basisternum, pair of macrosetae:' / absent present, 56 'Prothorax, prosternum, basisternum, position of pair of macrosetae (ms, if present) in relation to anterior margin of prosternum (amp) and the sternacostal suture (ss):' / 'ms situated close to amp (i.e., not farther than one fourth the distance between amp and the ss along midline)' 'ms situated far from amp (i.e., farther than one fourth the distance between amp and the ss along midline)', 57 'Mesothorax, mesoscutellum, posterior scutellar ridge:' / absent present, 58 'Mesothorax, elytron, humeral spines or spine-like setae:' / absent present, 59 'Sternopleural (anapleural) suture: ' / 'transverse, or nearly transverse (very slightly oblique) ' 'distinctly oblique (medial end of suture anterior to its lateral end)' sinuate, 60 'Sternopleural (anapleural) sutures (sps), their position with respect to anterior margin of mesoventrite (amm), if oblique: ' / sps_confluent_at_amm sps_not_confluent_at_amm, 61 'Mesothorax, mesoventral cross-like ridge ridge:' / absent present, 62 '* Mesothorax, mesoventral longitudinal ridge:' / absent present, 63 'Mesothorax, mesoventral posterior half of prepectus, ridge connecting coxal cavities:' / absent present, 64 'Mesothorax, intercoxal process, apex:' / 'rounded or broadly pointed, forming obtuse angle' 'narrowly pointed forming sharp (acute) angle' 'intercoxal process not distinct, metaventrite fused with mesoventrite', 65 'Profemora, lateroventral medial spines (posterior row): ' / absent present, 66 '* Sexual dimorphism, profemora, lateroventral apical spine/s (anterior row, when present)' / 'absent (both sexes with spine/s)' 'present (spine/s only in males)', 67 'Profemora, lateroventral medial spines (anterior row): ' / absent present, 68 '* Profemora, chaetotaxy: ' / conspicuosuly_denser_ventrally scarce_all_over dense_both_dorsally_and_ventrally, 69 '* Profemora, chaetotaxy, longitudinal patch of dense setae lateroventrally: ' / absent present, 70 '* Sexual dimorphism, profemora, shape: ' / absent 'present (medially dilated or wider in males)', 71 'Protibiae, shape:' / cylindrical_to_slightly_broadened_apically 'subconical to conical, moderately to distinctly broadened apically', 72 'Protibiae, apical excavation:' / absent present, 73 '* Protibiae, apical excavation, spines:' / absent present, 74 '* Protibiae, apical excavation, spines (when present), number:' / '5-6' '2-3', 75 '* Protibiae, lateroventral spines:' / absent present, 76 '* Protibiae, lateroventral spines, distribution:' / 'irregular, not in rows' in_one_row in_two_rows, 77 '* Protarsi, tarsomeres 2-3, relative width:' / as_long_as_to_longer_than_wide distinctly_wider_than_long, 78 '* Male protarsi, tarsomeres 2-3:' / 'not bilobed (posterior margin moderately curved to straight)' 'sub-bilobed' strongly_bilobed, 79 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, discal setae:' / absent present, 80 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, discal setae (when present), shaft microsculpture:' / smooth striate, 81 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, discal setae (when present), shaft shape:' / 'cylindrical, distinctly broadened apically' 'subcylindrical, gradually narrowed apically', 82 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, discal setae (when present), terminal plate:' / absent present, 83 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, discal setae (when present), terminal plate shape:' / rounded_to_ovoid_to_subquadrate 'subfusiform to leaf-like' 'not distinct, fused to adyacent plates', 84 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, marginal setae:' / 'absent (if present only 1-2 fine setae at each lateroposterior angle)' present, 85 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, marginal setae, distribution (when present):' / posteriad lateral, 86 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, marginal setae, distribution (when present and posterior):' / continuous_ interrupted_medially, 87 '* Protarsomeres 2-3, ventral surface, marginal setae, number at each side (when present and lateral):' / 3_ _4_ _more_than_4_ only_2, 88 '* Protarsomere 5, chaetotaxy:' / several_fine_setae 'scarce (very few fine setae, almost glabrous)', 89 'Apical tarsomere, empodial setae:' / absent present, 90 'Metacoxae, transverse carina:' / absent present, 91 'Metacoxae, ventral spines: ' / absent present, 92 '*Male metatrocanter, spines:' / 'absent (or only one at most)' present, 93 '* Male metatrocanter, spines, distribution (when present):' / posteroapical anteromedial, 94 '* Sexual dimorphism, metatrocanter, spines (when present in males):' / 'absent (i.e., male and female with spines)' 'present (i.e., only in males)', 95 'Male metafemora, spines: ' / absent present, 96 '* Male metafemora, spines, number (when present):' / one_row two_rows only_apical, 97 '* Male metafemora, spines, shape (when present): ' / 'as strong-like setae (i.e., same orientation as nearby finer setae)' as_true_spines, 98 '* Male metafemora, spines, distribution (when present as "true spines"): ' / entire_posterior_margin _basal_half_of_posterior_margin basal_fifth_of_posterior_margin, 99 '* Sexual dimorphism, metafemora, spines (when present in males):' / 'absent (i.e., male and female with spines)' 'present (i.e., only in males)', 100 'Metatibiae, spines:' / 'absent, or at most one or two spines present' always_several_spines_present, 101 'Metatarsi, relative length of tarsomeres 1 (t1) and 5 (t5) (t1/t5):' / 't1 shorter than t5 or at most both tarsomeres subequal (t1/t5 < 1.0)' 't1 moderately longer than t5 (t1/t5 >> 1.0 but < 2.0)' 't1 significantly longer than t5 (t1/t5 >> 2.0 but < 3.0)' 't1 much longer than t5 (t1/t5 = 4.0)', 102 '* Sexual dimorphism, metarsomere 1 (t1), length:' / 'absent (i.e., male and female with same t1 length)' 'present (i.e., t1 in male distinctly longer than in female)', 103 'Metatarsi, tarsomeres 3-5, dorsal surface, chaetotaxy:' / 'developed only at margins, dorsal surface of tarsomeres glabrous along midline' 'tarsomeres dorsally setose (setae not restricted to marginal series)', 104 'Hind wing, venation, veins CuA and MP4:' / completely_separate 'fused in one vein (although often its origin from two veins still very obvious)', 105 'Hind wing, venation, MP3:' / 'vein MP3 present, although sometimes faint ' vein_MP3_absent, 106 'Abdomen, protergal glands, cuticular manifestation:' / shallow_impression 'well-developed acetabula' more_or_less_invaginated_capsules_with_smaller_openings, 107 'Abdomen, tergites 3 and 4, ABTC, pair of accessory ridges:' / absent present, 108 'Abdomen, tergum 3, PBTC:' / absent present, 109 'Abdomen, tergum 5, ABTC, pair of accessory ridges:' / absent present, 110 'Abdomen, tergum 4, PBTC:' / absent present, 111 'Abdomen, tergum 5, PBTC:' / absent present, 112 'Abdomen, tergum 3, curved ridge on disc:' / absent present, 113 'Abdomen, tergum 4, curved ridge on disc:' / absent present, 114 'Abdomen, tergum 5, curved ridge on disc:' / absent present, 115 'Abdomen, sternum 3, basal transverse carina, shape of its lateral area:' / not_sinuate sinuate inclined_medially, 116 'Abdomen, male sternum 7, patches of setae on disc:' / absent present, 117 'Male sternum 8, apical margin, distinct medial projection:' / absent present, 118 'Male sternum 8, apical margin, medial emargination:' / absent_ present, 119 'Female sternum 8, apical margin, distinct medial projection: ' / absent present, 120 '* Female sternum 8, apical margin, distinct medial projection (when present): ' / straight_to_slightly_emarginate_at_sides distinctly_emarginate_at_sides, 121 'Male sternum 9, relative length of basal (bp) and distal (dp) portions (bp/dp):' / 'bp shorter or as long as dp at most (bp/dp 1.0)' 'bp moderately longer than dp (bp/dp 1.2-1.4)' 'bp distinctly longer than dp (bp/dp at least 1.6) ', 122 'Male sternum 9, distal portion, median emargination: ' / distinct not_distinct, 123 'Male sternum 9, distal portion, emargination (if distinct):' / acute subangulate_to_concave slightly_arcuate, 124 'Lateral tergal sclerites 9 (styli), apical straight setae: ' / absent present, 125 'Lateral tergal sclerites 9 (styli), shape: ' / dorsoventrally_flattened not_dorsoventrally_or_laterally_flattened laterally_flattened, 126 'Sexual dimorphism, lateral tergal sclerites 9 (styli) (if dorsoventrally flattened):' / 'absent (i.e., equally wide in both male and female)' 'present (i.e., distinctly wider in males than in females)', 127 'Male tergum 10, shape:' / 'emarginate medio-apically' apically_subtruncate_to_wide_and_subangulate_or_arcuate_ 'concave medio-apically to apically truncate' apically_distinctly_subacute_to_acute, 128 'Male: aedeagus, parameres, separation:' / 'paired, well separated' 'fused into a single lobe (sometimes secondarily bifurcate)', 129 'Male: aedeagus, paramere(s), sensory peg setae:' / absent present, 130 'Male: aedeagus, paramere(s), degree of attachment to median lobe:' / 'fused to median lobe only at base, otherwise paramere(s) distinctly separated from median lobe along entire length' fused_to_median_lobe_only_at_base_and_very_closely_appressed_to_median_lobe_along_entire_length 'fused to median lobe along its (their) entire length, paramere(s) and median lobe hardly distinguishable from each other. ', 131 'Male: aedeagus, paramere(s), shape:' / 'paramere(s) not (or at most slightly) produced over apex of median lobe' paramer_strongly_produced_produced_over_apex_of_median_lobe 'paramere distinctly small (short and/or thin).', 132 'Ovipositor, each second gonocoxite, number of macrosetae:' / '2-5' one_at_midline ; MATRIX Arrowinus_minutus 0000011000000000-0-0-011002-1000111--0-01001100--1100011010-0001000?0010--101?1001??????101???0----1101--10101100000010-01-01-100001 Amblyopinus_emarginatus 000001000000?010110??010101-1000111--0-00-01110--1000010000-000000000010--0-12100100---01000--0----1101--10000000000010-01-001010111 Holisus_prolixus 00000110100000100110-00-101-101020-000-010?1110--111010-000-00000-110010--101?0----????00000--0----?10111101000000?0000-0??01-?????1 Cyrtoquedius_frenatus_group 0100001000001010111??010112-?0?0110--0-00-01100--0100011110-000000010110--1012100100---010?0--0----11010010000000000010-00101-21000- Creophilus_maxillosus 010001100000(0 1)0111110-112012-1010110--1001001100--11121111011000001000110--1011100100---01110--0----11010000000000000010-00001-210001 Platydracus_chrysotrichopterus 010001100000001111112112012-1000110--1001011100--1110111100-00010-020010--0-11100100---01110--0----11010000000000000010-00001-110001 Misantlius_gebieni 01000010100000111101211211000000110--1001011100--1110111101100010-000?10--0011100100---0101???0----11010011010000011010-01-01-111001 Xenopygus_analis 010001101000001111112112112-1000110--1100-01100--1101111101100000-000010--1011100100---01110--0----11001010000011101010-00001-211001 Nordus_elytisi 010001101000001111112112112-1010110--1100-01100--110110-101100000-010010--1011100100---01110--0----01001010000011000010-01001-111001 Philothalpus_bilobus 010000101000001111112112112-1000110--1200-01110--11001101021100100000010--1011100100---01110--0----11011011000000001010-00001-211101 Philothalpus_falini 010000101000001111112112112-1000110--1200-01110--11001101021101100000010--1011100100---01110--0----11011011000000001010-00001-211101 Actinus_imperialis 010?01201000101111212112112-100020-100-01011100--0010110101100020-000010--1011100100---00110--0----01001020100000000010-00001-11002? Agacerus_pectinatus 010?01201000??111100-00-112-1000010--0-01001110--0010110102100010-000?10--1011100100---00110--0----11001020101000000010-01-01-31000? Belonuchus_atticida 110001101000101111211012112-100030-001201111100--011010-1011001010010000--10000----11-?00110--0----0000???0101100000010-000000210221 Belonuchus_barbicornis 01101010100010111110-0121101001020-000-1111111110001011010110010100110011110000----101-10110--0----00101020101100000010-00101-210221 Musicoderus_cephalotes 01100100000010111100-00-1101001020-000-0111100101011011010110010100110011110000----11-010110--1111000001??0101100000000-001000210221 Musicoderus_gracilis 01100110000010111100-00-1101001020-000-0111100101011011010110010100110011110000----11-010110--111100000???0101100000000-001000110221 Belonuchus_albovariegatus 01000120100010111110-0121101001020-000-1111100110011010-10110010100110011110000----11-1101?0--0--?-0110???0101100000010-001000110221 Belonuchus_cognatus 01000110000010111110-00-112-001020-00120101110100111010-100-001010110000--10000----11-310111001110010001020101100000010-00001-110221 Belonuchus_haemorrhoidalis 01000110100010111100-00-112-100020-001201011101001110110100-001010110000--10000----11-310111001110011001020101100000010-00001-310221 Belonuchus_mordens 01000110000010111100-00-112-100020-001201011101000110111100-001010110100--10000----11-010110--111?010001020101100000010-000000110221 Belonuchus_pollens 01000110100010111110-012112-001020-000-01011101000010110100-001010010000--10000----11-010111011110010001020101100000010-00001-210221 Belonuchus_rufipennis 010001101000(0 1)0111110-012112-001020-000-01011101000010110100-001010010000--10000----11-010111011110111001020101100000010-00001-210221 Belonuchus_subaeneus 01100110100010111111200-1101?00020-100-1111101110011010-10110010100110011110000----11-?10110--0----100010201011000000?0-?01000210221 Bisnius_sordidus 010000101000001111111012112-101010-100-01001100--1010111100-0011000??000--10000----101-00110--0----10001020101100000010-00001-211001 Cafius_seminitens 01000100000000111111200-112-100010-000-01011100--0110110100-00110-000010--1212100110---00100--0----11001020101100000010-00011-?????1 Cafius_xantholoma 01000010000000111121100-112-100010-000-01011100--0110110100-00110-000010--1212100110---00100--0----11001020101100000010-00011-311001 Chroaptomus_flagrans 020001101010111111111012112-100010-100-01011100--0010110100-001010011000--10000----11-110110--0----11001020101100000010-00001-110201 Delgadobius_amazonensis 0100001000000011111??010112-1000110--0-01011100--001010-100-00100-010000--1001111100---00110--0----1000??20101100000010-00001-110220 Ecitophytes_coniceps 00000121000000111121000-112-100030-001111011110--0010111101100010-0100010-0-001110-11-000110--0----01001020000000000010-???01-110220 Flohria_subcoerulea 01000110100000111101001(0 1)112-1000210--1201001100--00101101021001100000010--10101010-0---00110--0----10001020101100000010-00201-111001 Gabrius_picipennis 010000101000(0 1)01111111012111-100000-100-01001100--1010111100-001100000000--10000----11-300110--0----10001020101100000010-01-01-31100? Hesperus_argentinus 11???1101?????1111211012112-1?0030-0?1201111100--011010-101101001?011?00--10000----11-00011????????00?010?01010000000?11???00??????1 Hesperus_baltimorensis 010001101000101111112112112-100020-100-01011100--0110111101100020-000010--1011100100---00110--0----11001020100000000010-00001-110101 Hesperus_bruchi 11???1101?????1111211012112-1?0030-0?1201111100--011010-101101001?011?00--10000----11-000110-?0----00?010?010100000001?????00??1022? Hesperus_ferrugineus 11???1101?????1111211012112-1?0030-0?1201111100--011010-101100000?011?00--100?0----11-00011????????00?0???010100000???11???00??????1 Paederomimus_novoteutonicus 01000110000110111100-00-112-100110-100-1111110111011010-10110010000110011010000----11-210110--0----1000???0101?00020010-????1-?????? Hesperus_ornaticornis 01???1101??0??1?1????????12-??0020-000-11111001100?101??101100??0?0???011???0?0----1????0??????????00?0???0?0??????????-???????????? Hesperus_tremolerasi 11???1101?????1111211012112-1?0?30-0?1201111100--011010-101101001?011?00--10000----11-000110-?0----00?0???010100000001?????00??????? Hesperus_zitschkai 11???1101?????1111211012112-1?0030-0?1201111000--011010-101101000?011?00--100?0----11-00011????????00?0???010100000???0-???00??????1 Laetulonthus_laetulus 010001101000101111112112112-1000110--0-01011100--0010110101100100-000010--1011100100---00110--0----1000?120100000000010-01-01-21100? Leptopeltoides_columbiensis 010001100000001111111012112-100010-00120100110110101011010110011000000011010000----11-200110--0----11001020101100000010-00001-21022? Leptopeltus_flavipennis 010001100000001111111012112-100010-00120100110110111011010110010000000011010000----11-000110--0----10001020101100000010-00001-210221 Linoderus_gracilipes 02000010010010111101100-1101000020-000-1111111110011010-10100010100110010-10000----11-210110--0----0(0 1)1010201011000001110201001210221 Neopescolinus_nevermanni 020001100000101111111012112-000020-100-1111111111011010-10100010100110011110000----100-10110--0----0100???0101100000010-201000210221 Odontolinus_fasciatus 01100120000010111111200-112-100020-000-1111110110011011010110010100111011010100----100-10111111012111001020101100000000-001001210221 Ophionthus_serpentinus 01100110100010111110-00-112-001020-000-1111101100011010-10110010100110011110001110-0---10110--0----01001020101100000010-10101-110221 Ophionthus_asenjoi_sp._nov. 01???1101?????111110-012112-0?0?20-0?0-1111100110111010-101100101?011?01??100?1110-0---101?????????01?0???010000000???0-???0???????? Paederallus_sp_undescribed 01000021000000111101100-112-1000110--1211011110--001010-101000010-0110011110000----11-310110--0----00001020101100000010-00001-110221 Paederomimus_aeneiceps 01000100000010111110-012111-100020-010-01111100--001011110110010100111011010000----11-310110--0----1000??20101100000000-101001110221 Paederomimus_angusticollis 01000110000010111100-00-111-110010-100-111111011101101101011001000011001110-000----11-210110--0----00001020101100020010-00101-210221 Paederomimus_capitalis_group 01000110000010111111200-112-100020-100-1111111111011011010110010100111011010000----11-110110--1111110001020101100000010-00101-210221 Paederomimus_cf_contractus 01000100000000111100-00-112-100010-100-11110-0111011011010110010000110011110000----11-010110--0----00001020101100020000-00101-210221 Paederomimus_difformiceps 01000110000000111100-00-112-100010-100-1111110111011011010110010000110011110000----11-110110--0----0000???0101100020010-00101-010221 Paederomimus__gentilis 01000110000010111110-012112-100020-000-0111110110001011010100010000110011010000----11-110110--0----1000???0101100000000-00101-110221 Paederomimus_lustrator_group 01000100000010111110-00-112-100020-000-1111110111011011010110010100110011110000----11-010110--0----10001020101100000010-001001210221 Paederomimus_nigrinus 01000120100000111100-0121101001020-000-1111100110011011010110010100110011110000----111-10110--0----00001020101100000010-01-00?110220 Paederomimus_nobilis 01100110000010111101100-1101000020-000-0111100111011010-10110010100110011110000----101-10110--0----00001020101100000010-00101-210221 Paederomimus_pectoralis 01100010000010111111200-112-100020-100-111111111101101101011001010011?011110000----11-?1011???0----10?01020101100000000-00101-21022? Paederomimus_salvini 01100110000010111101100-1101000020-000-0111100111011010-10110010100111011110000----101-10110--0----00001020101100000010-00101-210221 Pescolinus_palmatus 01000110100000111111100-1101000020-100-11111101110010100101000100-0110011?0-100----101-10110--0----00001?20101100000111020100121022? Phileciton_badariottii 010001000000001111111012112-1000010--0-0101110101001010-101100100-011000--0-000----101-10110--0----01001020101100000010-00001-110220 Philonthus_bicoloristylus 010000100000101111112012112-1000110--1201001100--0010110100-001000000010--1011100110---00110--110-010001020101100000010-00001-011000 Philonthus_bonariensis 010001000000001111112012112-1000110--0-01001100--0010110100-001000000010--1011100110---00110--0----10001020101100000010-00001-111000 Philonthus_callosipennis 01000010000000111101200-112-1000110--120101110111001010-1011011100000100--0-11111120---00110--0----0000???0101100000010-00001-210000 Philonthus_caeruleipennis 01010110100010111110-012112-1000110--0-01001100--0010110100-001000?00?10--10111001?0---00110--0----01001010101100000010-00001-111001 Philonthus_cyanipennis 010101101000101111112112112-1000110--0-01001100--1010110100-001000000010--1011100100---00110--0----1100??20101100000010-00001-311001 Philonthus_diamantinus 010000101000001111012012112-100010-00120101110111001010-1011011100000000--0-11111110---00110--0----000010?0101100000010-00001-210221 Philonthus_figulus 010000100000001111112011112-1000110--0-01001100--1110110100-001100000010--10111001?0---00110--110-011001020101100000010-00001-111000 Philonthus_flavolimbatus 010001000000001111112012112-1000110--0-01001100--0010110100-001000000010--1011100110---00110--0----11001020101100000010-00001-311000 Philonthus_fulgipennides 01000010100010111101200-112-100010-100-010111010-00101101011001010011000--10000----10--10110--0----00001020101100000010-00001-110221 Philonthus_laetipennis 01000010100000111101200-112-100010-100-01011101000010110101100101?011000--10000----10-010110--0----00?01020101100000010-00001-110221 Philonthus_longicornis 010000100000001111111011112-1000110--0-01001100--1110110100-001100000010--1011100100---00110--110-011001020101100000010-00001-111000 Philonthus_lynchi 010000000000001111112012112-1000010--1201001100--0010110100-001000000010--1011100110---00110--0----10001020101100000010-00002-301001 Philonthus_nitidus 010001101000101111112112112-1000110--0-01001100--1110110100-001100000010--1011100100---00110--0----11001020101100000010-01-01-011001 Philonthus_rectangulus 010001000000(0 1)01111112012112-1000110--0-01001100--1010110100-001100?00?10--1011100100---00110--0----11001020101100000010-00001-211000 Philonthus_sericans 010000100000(0 1)01111112011112-1000110--0-01001100--1110110100-001100?00?10--1011100100---00110--0----11001020101100000010-00001-111000 Philonthus_splendens 010001101000101111112112112-1000110--0-01001100--1110110100-001100000010--1011100110---00110--110-011001020101100000010-01-01-011001 Proxenobius_borgmeieri 000001111000001111210012112-100030-001200-11100--01001101011001000011000--10000----11-000110--0----02001020000000000010-00001-210221 Trapeziderus_diversus 01000010100000111100-00-112-100010-000-01011100--1110110101100020-010010--1011100100---10110--1110011001020101100000010-00101-111001 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1- 132; EXSET * UNTITLED = ; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1- 132; END; BEGIN NOTES; SUT TAXON = 20 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 26 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 27 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 30 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 31 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 34 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 41 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 63 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 64 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 65 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 67 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 68 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 70 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 74 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 78 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SUT TAXON = 80 NAME = color INTEGER = 5; SU T = 20 C = 2 N = color I = 5; SU T = 20 C = 6 N = color I = 5; SU T = 20 C = 7 N = color I = 5; SU T = 20 C = 8 N = color I = 5; SU T = 20 C = 9 N = color I = 5; SU T = 20 C = 15 N = color I = 5; 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