#NEXUS [written Sat Nov 21 10:16:32 EST 2020 by Mesquite version 3.61 (build 927) at Stylianoss-iMac.local/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=77; TAXLABELS Quedius_cruentus Misantlius_gebieni Tolmerinus_sp Rhynchocheilus_sp Creophilus_maxillosus Platydracus_cinnamopterus Dinothenarus_saphyrinus Gabrius_picipennis Paederomimus_mimeticus Philonthus_splendens Hesperus_apicialis Eccoptolonthus_sp Algon_hollowayae Algon_nr_oculatus_group Philothalpus_bilobus Philothalpus_falini Nordus_fungicola Nordus_cribricollis Oligotergus_sp1_ Oligotergus_sp2 Plociopterus_sp Plociopterus_tricolor Styngetus_deyrollei Styngetus_flavicaudus Dysanellus_bruchi Dysanellus_transverserugosus Ocyolinus_amethystinus Ocyolinus_ganglbaueri Phanolinopsis_discedens Phanolinopsis_metaksenios Isanopus_ashei Isanopus_sallaei Lendatus_platys Lendatus_philothalpiformis Peripus_didontus Zackfalinus_lamperos Zackfalinus_kitrinos Elmas_elassos Elmas_hanleyi Scaponopselaphus_diaspartos Scaponopselaphus_mutator Gastrisus_sp Gastrisus_mimetes Nausicotus_spectabilis Nausicotus_opacipennis Torobus_laetipes Torobus_purpurascens Haematodes_bicolor Haematodes_tenuipes Scariphaeus_luridipennis Scariphaeus_mautnermarkhofi Glenus_flohri Glenus_chrysis Paraxenopygus_peruvianus Paraxenopygus_tremolerasi Smilax_pilosa Smilax_deneinephyto Tricholinus_pehlki Darwinilus_sedarisi Terataki_caterinoi Terataki_badiipennis Terataki_liliputanum Trigonopselaphus_herculeanus Trigonopselaphus_diplopegus Gastrisus_nitidus Genus_1 Elecatopselaphus_cf_violaceus Phanolinus_sp Phanolinus_sp2 Triacrus_dilatus Xanthopygus_chapareanus Xanthopygus_xanthopygus Xenopygus_analis Xenopygus_excellens Ikaros_apteros Ikaros_polygonos Ikaros_paramo ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE 'Matrix in file "Xantho_matrix_Nov25.nex"'; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=94; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD RESPECTCASE GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j k m n p q r s t u"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Body, long bristle-like setae (body appearing ''fuzzy'')' / absent present, 2 'Antennae, relative width of antennomere 1 (a1) to 2 (2a) (comparison of widest areas)' / a1_same_width_or_slightly_wider_than_a2 a1_at_least_twice_as_wide_as_a2, 3 'Antennae, length of antennomeres 3:' / 'broader, 2.5 times as long as wide or less' 'elongate, 3 times as long as wide', 4 'Antennae, antennomere 4, tomentose pubescence:' / absent present, 5 'Antennae, antennomere 5, tomentose pubescence:' / absent present, 6 'Antennae, antennomere 5, if tomentose pubescence present:' / apicolaterally_or_apically covering_antennomere, 7 'Antennae, antennomere 6, subapical setae, form:' / 'Curved, distinctly longer and thicker than other macrosetae, forming a circlet' 'Similar to other macrosetae, thin and straight, bristle-like', 8 'Antennae, antennomeres 5-10, forming club:' / absent present, 9 'Antennae, antennomeres 8-10 shape:' / symmetrical asymmetrically_trapezoid asymmetrically_transverse asymmetrical_bipectinate, 10 'Male, antennae, antennomere 11, shape:' / subequal_or_slightly_longer_than_10 at_least_three_times_longer_than_10, 11 'Antennae, antennomeres 8-10' / transverse quadrate_to_elongate, 12 'Antennae 4-10, shape' / cylindrical_ 'forming a flattened, parallel-sided club' flattened_and_apically_narrowing, 13 'Head, shape' / rectangular hexagon 'trapezoid (strongly dilated to posterior)', 14 'Head, length in comparison to pronotum' / shorter_to_subequal longer, 15 'Head, eye size relative to length of head:' / 'small (less than 1/2 length of head)' 'medium (between 1/2 and 3/4 length of head)' 'large (more than 3/4 length of head)', 16 'Head, nuchal ridge' / complete_dorsally incomplete_dorsally, 17 'Head, postclypeus, in comparison to frons:' / not_deflexed deflexed, 18 'Head, postclypeus, anterior margin:' / more_or_less_straight slighly_emarginate strongly_emarginate convex, 19 'Labrum, emargination, shape' / 'v-shaped, lobes moderately separated' 'broadly U-shaped, lobes strongly separated' 'narrow, lobes separated by a thin channel', 20 'Head, middle of epicranium punctation (excluding micropunctures/microsculpture):' / with_impunctate_area with_continous_punctures, 21 'Head, postmandibular ridge, position' / ventral lateral, 22 'Head, deep punctures demarcating raised postmandibular ridge dorsolaterally' / absent present, 23 'Head, gular sutures (gs), development:' / gs_joined_before_neck 'gs not joined before neck, extended close to each other at base of head capsule', 24 'Head, ligula, shape:' / 'more or less bilobed, with variously developed rounded lobes' 'small, entire (or at most slightly notched medially) ', 25 'Head, mentum, seta alpha:' / absent present, 26 'Hypostomal cavity (hc):' / absent present, 27 'Hypostomal cavity (hc), if present:' / 'hc distinctly delimited (i.e., cavity surface with microsculture and/or punctation different from rest of nearby head surface)' 'hc moderately delimited (i.e., cavity surface without microsculpture or punctation different from rest of nearby head surface)' 'hc slightly delimited (cavity distinct only laterally, its surface with same microsculture or punctuation as rest of nearby head surface)', 28 'Mandible, relative length:' / 'typical (i.e. closed mandible not extending beyond margin lateral margin of head)' 'long (i.e. closed mandible extending well beyond margin of head)', 29 'Mandible, lateral aspect:' / straight 'deflexed ventrally in an angle of 25-30 degrees about 1/4-1/3 distance from base to apex ', 30 'Mandibles, asymmetrical torsion:' / absent present, 31 'Mandible, left, teeth structure:' / one_tooth 'two teeth, separated by deep emargination' proximal_tooth_bifid one_tooth_and_one_bicuspid_tooth, 32 'Mandible. right, teeth structure:' / one_tooth_ two_separate_teeth one_bicuspid_tooth one_tooth_and_one_bicuspid_tooth, 33 'Mandibble, curvature:' / 'more or less straight, except tip of mandible' curved_from_apical_half, 34 'Maxila, relative length of galea:' / galea_much_shorter_than_palpus galea_subequal_to_palpus galea_longer_than_palpus, 35 'Maxillary palpus, palpomere 4, shape:' / not_or_only_slightly_dilated 'strongly dilated, subparallel-side' 'strongly dilated, securiform', 36 'Maxilary palpus, relative length of palpomeres 4 (p4) and 3 (p3) (p4/p3):' / p4_distinctly_shorter_than_p3 p4_and_p3_subequal_in_length p4_distinctly_longer_than_p3, 37 'Maxilary palpus, relative length of palpomeres 3 (p3) and 2 (p2) (p3/p2):' / p3_distinctly_shorter_than_p2 p3_and_p2_subequal_in_length p3_distinctly_longer_than_p2, 38 'Lapial palpus, palpomere 3, shape:' / widest_before_apex 'widest apically, subparallel-sided' 'securiform, 2-3 rows of setae (Zackfalinus)' 'securiform, 4+ rows of setae (Dysanellus)' '2 bands of multiple rows of setae (Elmas, scaponopselaphus)', 39 'Lapial palpus, palpomere 3, long dense setae on entire lateral sides:' / absent present, 40 'Neck, disc (i.e., dorsal surface of neck not including dorsolateral areas):' / absent_or_with_rather_sparse_punctures 'with dense, moderately coarse punctures', 41 'Prothorax, anterior angles in dorsal view' / not_strongly_acuminate_and_produced_laterad strongly_acuminate_and_produced_laterad, 42 'Prothorax, pronotum near anterolateral angles:' / without_raised_impunctate_spots with_raised_impunctate_spots, 43 'Prothorax, pronotum, anterolateral corners punctation:' / 'absent (or just 1-2 punctures)' present, 44 'Prothorax, disc of pronotum, distribution of punctures:' / median_part_of_pronotum_with_punctation_beyond_midlength median_part_of_pronotum_with_punctation_not_continuing_beyond_midlength punctation_of_pronotum_split_into_anterior_and_posterior_parts_by_diagonal_longitudinal_line, 45 'Pronotum, coarse punctures impressed in flange at posterior angle of pronotum' / absent present, 46 'Pronotum, microsculpture' / absent present, 47 'Prothorax, large lateral setiferous puncture (llsp), position in relation to superior marginal line of pronotum (smlp):' / llsp_situated_very_close_to_smlp_or_at_a_distance_no_more_than_three_times_its_diameter_ llsp_situated_away_from_smlp_at_a_distance_at_least_three_times_as_large_as_its_diameter, 48 'Prothorax, hypomeron, superior marginal line' / continuous_to_anterior_margin not_continuous_to_anterior_margin, 49 'Prothorax, hypomeron, superior marginal line, deflection under anterior angles (ventral view):' / not_distinct distinct, 50 'Prothorax, hypomeron, inferior marginal line (iml), development:' / iml_not_continued_as_a_separate_entity_beyond_anterior_pronotal_angles iml_continued_as_a_separate_entity_beyond_anterior_pronotal_angles_and_curving_around_them iml_continued_as_a_separate_entity_beyond_anterior_pronotal_angles_and_continuous_with_them, 51 'Prothorax, postcoxal process:' / absent present, 52 'Prothorax, pronotum, shape of lateral margins in dorsal view posteriad of midpoint:' / convex straight_to_sinuate 'converging to narrower shape [converging basad]', 53 'Prothorax, basisternum (bs), length relative to length of furcasternum (fs) (bs/fs, measured laterally):' / 'bs slightly to moderately longer than fs (bs/fs ratio up to 1.5)' 'bs distinctly longer than fs (bs/fs ratio >> 1.5)', 54 'Prothorax, prosternum, basisternum, pair of macrosetae:' / absent present, 55 'Prothorax, prosternum, basisternum, position of pair of macrosetae (ms, if present) in relation to anterior margin of prosternum (amp) and the sternacostal suture (ss):' / 'ms situated close to amp (i.e., not farther than one fourth the distance between amp and the ss along midline)' 'ms situated far from amp (i.e., farther than one fourth the distance between amp and the ss along midline)', 56 'Mesothorax, elytra, patches of white setae:' / absent present, 57 'Mesothorax, elytra, setae' / 'not reduced, easily seen at low magnification' 'reduced, difficult to see at low magnification', 58 'Mesothorax, elytra, with contigous polygon-shaped meshed microsculpture (elytra appearing matt):' / absent_ present, 59 'Mesothorax, mesoscutelum, dense cluster of punctures medially, leaving impunctate border area' / absent present, 60 'Mesothorax, mesocoxae' / 'Mesocoxae contiguous, intercoxal area distinctly recessed compared to mesoventrital and metaventrital processes' 'Mesocoxae moderately separated, intercoxal area distinctly recessed compared to mesoventrital process only' 'Mesocoxae strongly separated, intercoxal area on approximately same plane as both meso and metaventrital processes', 61 'Profemora, lateroventral apical spines (anterior row): ' / absent present, 62 'Protarsi, shape of tarsomeres 1-4:' / cylindrical 'flattened dorso-ventrally', 63 'Protarsi, ventral chaetotaxy, modified pale (adhesive) setae:' / 'absent, at least medially' present, 64 'Males, mesotarsi, ventral chaetotaxy, modified pale (adhesive) setae:' / absent present, 65 'Metacoxae, posterolateral area modified into coxal shield ' / absent present, 66 'Metatibia, apical spurs thick and long (spurs longer than 3/4 legth of tarsomere 1)' / 'absent (smaller spurs are present)' present, 67 'Meso/metatarsi with asymmetrically lobed tarsomeres 1-4:' / absent present, 68 'Metatibiae, spines:' / none present, 69 'Metatarsi, tarsomeres 3-5, dorsal surface, chaetotaxy:' / 'developed only at margins, dorsal surface of tarsomeres glabrous along midline' 'tarsomeres dorsally setose (setae not restricted to marginal series)', 70 'Pretarsal claws, empodial setae:' / absent present, 71 'Hind wing, venation, veins CuA and MP4:' / completely_separate 'fused in one vein (although often its origin from two veins still very obvious)', 72 'Abdomen, protergal glands, cuticular manifestation:' / shallow_impression 'well-developed acetabula' more_or_less_invaginated_capsules_with_smaller_openings, 73 'Abdomen, terga 3-8, metallic coloration:' / absent present, 74 'Abdomen, terga 3 and 4, ABTC, pair of accessory ridges:' / absent present, 75 'Abdomen, tergum 3, PBTC:' / absent present, 76 'Abdomen, tergum 5, ABTC, pair of accessory ridges:' / absent present, 77 'Abdomen, tergum 3, curved carina (arch-like) on disc:' / absent present, 78 'Abdomen, center of tergum 5, punctation (excluding micropunctures):' / 'absent (or at most with 2-3 punctures)' present, 79 'Abdomen, tergum 5, shape of posterior half in lateral view:' / not_appearing_bulging_ 'appearing bulging (not gradually but abruptly) e.g. Phanolinus', 80 'Abdomen, sternum 3, basal transverse carina, medial area: ' / staight_to_arcuate acutely_pointed_medially angulate_medially, 81 'Abdomen, sternum 3, basal transverse carina, shape of its lateral area:' / not_sinuate sinuate, 82 'Abdomen, sternum 4, basal transverse carina, medial area:' / absent present, 83 'Abdomen, sternite 7, punctation laterally (excluding microsculpture): ' / 'sparse (punctures separated by more than two puncture width)' 'dense (punctures contigous or separated by less than two puncture width)', 84 'Abdomen, sternum 5, dense, meshed microsculpture anterolateraly, appearing different in texture to posterior portion:' / absent present, 85 'Male, abdomen, sternum 7, emargination of posterior margin:' / absent present, 86 'Male, abdomen, sternum 7, porose structure:' / absent present, 87 'Male, abdomen, sternum 7, shape of porose structure (if present):' / 'circular and pit-like, typically with few modified setae' 'broad and brush-like, with many modified setae', 88 'Male, aedeagus, paramere(s), sensory peg setae:' / absent present, 89 'Male, aedeagus, median lobe, pair of subapical teeth:' / absent present, 90 'Male, aedeagus, median lobe, apical tooth or carina:' / absent present, 91 'Male, aedeagus, median lobe, paired apex' / absent present, 92 'Mesothorax, elytra' / 'reduced, exposing tergum 2' not_reduced, 93 Hind_wings / absent present, 94 'Abdomen, shape, lateral sides in dorsal view' / constricted_anteriorly_and_expanded_posteriorly 'more or less parallel-sided' ; MATRIX Quedius_cruentus 00011100000000111000101110-00011100200000001010000100110000001100001110000000100000010-1000111 Misantlius_gebieni 0001110000000001000110111101000010020001001000101001011000000110000011010101001010011111010111 Tolmerinus_sp 000111000000000110011011110000001002000100100010100100-000000110000011010101010000101101000111 Rhynchocheilus_sp 001011101000210102?11010110010231001001100100010100100-0000201100000110001000101001000-1000111 Creophilus_maxillosus 00000-100000001102010-101100001310000000001-000012120111000201100001110000000100001000-0000111 Platydracus_cinnamopterus 00011100000000010001101011000013100100010010001010100110000101100001110000000101000010-0000111 Dinothenarus_saphyrinus 00011100000000010001101011000010100100010010001010110110000101100001110010000101000010-1000111 Gabrius_picipennis 00011110000000010000100100-00000100200000001010010000110000110000001001200100100000000-1000111 Paederomimus_mimeticus 000111000000000100000-0100-00000100200000000011010010100000210000001001200100110001000-?000111 Philonthus_splendens 00011100000000010000101100-0001010020000000-010010010100000211100001001200100100000010-1000111 Hesperus_apicialis 00011100000000010010100100-00000100200000010011010010110000201100001001200100110000000-0000111 Eccoptolonthus_sp 00011100000000110200101100-00000100220000010011010010110000210000001001200100100000000-1000111 Algon_hollowayae 0001110000000011000010111100000010020000000-010000100110010011100001110110000100000000-0000111 Algon_nr_oculatus_group 0001110000000011000010111100000010020000000-010000100110010011100001110100000100000000-1000111 Philothalpus_bilobus 0001110000000021001010111120000010020001001000000001110000010110000111110100011100000101000111 Philothalpus_falini 0001110000000021001010111120000010020001001000000001110000010110000111110100011100000101000111 Nordus_fungicola 00000-000000002100211011111000001002000001100000010000-0001201100001011100001100000010-1001111 Nordus_cribricollis 00000-000000002100211011111000001002000001100000010100-0001201100001011100001100000010-1001111 Oligotergus_sp1_ 00011100000000210020111111100020100200000010010001010110000201100001011100001100001000-1000111 Oligotergus_sp2 00011100000000110020111111100020100200000010010001010110000201100001011100001100000000-1000111 Plociopterus_sp 0010110010002011001011111111000000020000001000000101011100020010000101110000110000101101000111 Plociopterus_tricolor 0010110010002011001011111111000000020000001000000101011100020010000101110000110000101101000111 Styngetus_deyrollei 00111100000000110010111111100020100200000010010001010110000201000001011100001100001010-1000111 Styngetus_flavicaudus 00111100000000110010111111100020100200000010010001010110000201000001011100001100001010-1000111 Dysanellus_bruchi 000111000010001100101111111100001002030100100100011101100000011000010111000001000011???????111 Dysanellus_transverserugosus 00011100001000110010111111110000100203010010010101110110000001100001011100000100001110-1000111 Ocyolinus_amethystinus 00111100001000110010110111110000100200010001010001010110100001100001011100000101001110-1100111 Ocyolinus_ganglbaueri 00111100001000110010110111110000100200010010010001010110100001100001011100000101001110-1100111 Phanolinopsis_discedens 00111100001000210010111111100020100200010001010001010110100001100001011100000001000100-1100111 Phanolinopsis_metaksenios 00111100001000210010111111100020100200010001010001010110100001100001011100000001000100-1100111 Isanopus_ashei 00111100001000110010111111100000100200000010110001010110000101100011011100000101100010-0000111 Isanopus_sallaei 00111100001000110010111111100000100200000010110001010110000101100011011100000101100010-0000111 Lendatus_platys 00111100001000210010111111100000100200000012110001010110000101100001011100000101100010-1000111 Lendatus_philothalpiformis 00111100001000210010111111100000100200000012110001010110000101100001011100000101100010-1000111 Peripus_didontus 00111100001000210110111111100000100202000010010001010110000201100001011100000101011010-1100111 Zackfalinus_lamperos 00111100011000210110111111100000100202000010010001010110000201100001011100000101011010-1000111 Zackfalinus_kitrinos 00111100011000210110111111100000100202000010010001010110000201100001011100000101011010-1000111 Elmas_elassos 000111101000002110111111111011001022041100100?0001010110000201100001011100000110001010-1100111 Elmas_hanleyi 000111101000002110111111111011001022041100100?0001010110000201100001011100000110001010-1100111 Scaponopselaphus_diaspartos 0001110010000021001011111110000010020410001001000100011000020111000101110000111000111101000111 Scaponopselaphus_mutator 0001110010000021001011111110000010020410001001000100011000020111000101110000111000111101100111 Gastrisus_sp 00011100000000110000111111100010100200000011010001110110010101100001011100000100000110-1000111 Gastrisus_mimetes 00011100000000110000111111100010100200000011010001110110010101100001011100000100000110-1000111 Nausicotus_spectabilis 0001110000000011021011111110000010020101001001000111011000010110000101110000110000011101000111 Nausicotus_opacipennis 0001110000000011021011111110000010020101001001000111011001010110000101110000110000011101000111 Torobus_laetipes 0001111000000011021011111110001010020100001101000111011000010110000101110000000000011101000111 Torobus_purpurascens 00011110000000110210111111100010100201000011010001110110000101100?0101110000010000011101000111 Haematodes_bicolor 11000-1100011000101000111110000002021100001000000100011000020110010101110000010000111111000111 Haematodes_tenuipes 1100101100011000101000111110000002021100001000000100011000020110010101110000010000111111000111 Scariphaeus_luridipennis 11000-1000010001101000111110000001121100001001000100011000010110010101110000000000111111000111 Scariphaeus_mautnermarkhofi 11000-100?01000110100011111000000112110000100000010001100001011?01010111000000000011???????111 Glenus_flohri 10011110000000010311101111100000010010010010010001010110000201101101011100001100001110-0000111 Glenus_chrysis 1001111000020001031110111110000001001001001001000101011001020110110101110000110000110110100111 Paraxenopygus_peruvianus 1000111000000001031110111110000001020001001001000100011000020110110101110000110000110101000111 Paraxenopygus_tremolerasi 1000101000000001031110111110000001020001001001000100011000020110110101110000110000110101010111 Smilax_pilosa 11001010000200010311101111100000010020000010010001000110000201100101011100001100001010-0000111 Smilax_deneinephyto 11001010000200010311101111100000010020000010010001000110000201100101011100001100001010-0000111 Tricholinus_pehlki 11001110000200110321101111100000010020010010010001010110000201101101011100001100001100-1000111 Darwinilus_sedarisi 0001111020001000001010111??000??1001010?0010010001100110010201100101011100000100001?10-0000111 Terataki_caterinoi 000111102?00100001101111111000101000010000100100011001100102011?01010111100001000011???????111 Terataki_badiipennis 0001111020001000011011111110001010000100001001000110011001020110010101111000010000111110000111 Terataki_liliputanum 0001111020001000011011111110001010000100001001000110011001020110010101110000010000111111000111 Trigonopselaphus_herculeanus 00011110200011000?1010111110001110000100101001000011011000020110010001111000010000110101000111 Trigonopselaphus_diplopegus 00011110200011000?1010111110001110000100101001000011011000020110010001111000010000110101000111 Gastrisus_nitidus 00011100000000210010111111100020100200010010010001110110000001100001011100001100000100-1010111 Genus_1 00011100000000210010111111100020100200010010010001110110000001100001011100001100000100-1010111 Elecatopselaphus_cf_violaceus 00111100001000110010111111100020100200010010010001010110010201100001011110001110000110-1010111 Phanolinus_sp 00111100001000110010111111100020100200010010010001010110000101100001011110000110000110-1110111 Phanolinus_sp2 00111100001000110010111111100020100200010010010001010110000101100001011110000110000110-1110111 Triacrus_dilatus 0000100030000001001010111110002210020000001001010101011000020110000101110000110000111101010111 Xanthopygus_chapareanus 0001110000000011001011111110002010020000001001010111011000020110000101110000110000101111010111 Xanthopygus_xanthopygus 0001110000000001001011111110002010020000001001010111011000020110000101110000110000111111010111 Xenopygus_analis 0000110000000021001011111110002010020001001001000111011000020110000101110000110000011101010111 Xenopygus_excellens 00011100000000210010111111100020100200010010010001110110000201100001011100001100000100-1010111 Ikaros_apteros 0001110000100001011010111110000010020101001101000101011000010110000101-100000100000110-1000000 Ikaros_polygonos 0001110000100001011010111110000010020001001001000101011000010110000101-100001100000110-1000000 Ikaros_paramo 0001110000100001011010111110000010020101001001000101011000010110000101-100000100000110-1000000 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1- 94; EXSET * UNTITLED = ; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1- 94; END; BEGIN NOTES; SU T = 4 C = 3 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 4 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 7 N = color I = 5; TEXT CHARACTER = 15 TEXT = length_of_head_measured_from_anterior_margin_of_eyes_to_posterior_margin_of_head; SU T = 4 C = 16 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 21 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 23 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 24 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 25 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 26 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 27 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 40 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 41 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 47 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 49 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 50 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 51 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 53 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 54 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 55 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 60 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 61 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 62 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 63 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 68 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 69 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 70 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 71 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 72 N = color I = 5; TEXT CHARACTER = 73 TEXT = 'not sure about this one, maybe? '; SU T = 4 C = 74 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 75 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 76 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 77 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 80 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 81 N = color I = 5; TEXT CHARACTER = 83 TEXT = 'are punctures dense (i.e. almost contigous)?'; TEXT CHARACTER = 84 TEXT = microsculpture_more_obvious_than_normal_punctures; TEXT CHARACTER = 85 TEXT = modified_in_comparison_to_sternum_6; SU T = 4 C = 86 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 88 N = color I = 5; AN C = 2 A = 0 DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 01611e2031574 I = _ TF = (CM myrmecophile_modification) ; AN C = 10 A = 0 DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 01611dd31f6d2 I = _ TF = (CM Zackfalinus) ; END; BEGIN LABELS; TAXAGROUPLABEL wasp_group COLOR = (RGB 0.58039216 1 0.30196078) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Ant_group COLOR = (RGB 0.10196078 1 0.27843137) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL plesiogroup COLOR = (RGB 0.03529412 1 0.61176471) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL weedygroup COLOR = (RGB 1 0.2 1) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL xanthopygus COLOR = (RGB 0.4 0.52156863 1) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Philothalpus COLOR = (RGB 1 0.82745098 0.13333333) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Plociopterus COLOR = (RGB 1 0.10196078 0.81960784) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Isanopus COLOR = (RGB 1 0.8 0.66666667) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Elmas COLOR = (RGB 0.90196078 1 0.50196078) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Ocyolinus COLOR = (RGB 0.03529412 1 1) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Gastrisus COLOR = (RGB 0.10196078 1 0.45882353) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Smilax COLOR = (RGB 1 0.6 0.33333333) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Trigonopselaphus COLOR = (RGB 0.50196078 1 0.6) ; CHARGROUPLABEL problematic COLOR = (RGB 1 0.83921569 0.2) ; CHARGROUPLABEL delete COLOR = (RGB 1 0.16862745 0.16862745) ; END; Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; timeSaved 1605971792107; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; setID 0 2504405313918753609; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; setID 0 6329805258828241987; tell It; setDefaultOrder 212 166 10 14 169 206 281 211 184 165 167 207 220 174 177 28 214 216 218 201 34 154 55 42 45 348 332 186 191 192 209 185 194 190 187 188 189 222 225 338 352 202 178 115 122 141 251 123 62 271 66 199 255 68 382 179 124 148 177 76 259 79 80 216 217 180 203 299 273 88 95 98 136 334 100 270 107 135 155 322 349 121 131 137 195 348 197 233 157 138 143 91 92 93; attachments ; endTell; mqVersion 361; checksumv 0 3 1500092671 null getNumChars 94 numChars 94 getNumTaxa 77 numTaxa 77 short true bits 31 states 31 sumSquaresStatesOnly 19919.0 sumSquares 19919.0 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix true NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1; mqVersion; endTell; getWindow; tell It; suppress; setResourcesState false false 100; setPopoutState 300; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1692 973; setLocation 413 302; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; desuppress; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord; tell It; showDataWindow #6329805258828241987 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker; tell It; getWindow; tell It; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 275; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 40; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1592 881; setLocation 413 302; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; endTell; setActive; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState; tell It; setStateLimit 9; toggleUniformMaximum on; endTell; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; setBackground White; toggleShowNames off; toggleShowTaxonNames on; toggleTight off; toggleThinRows off; toggleShowChanges on; toggleSeparateLines off; toggleShowStates on; toggleReduceCellBorders off; toggleAutoWCharNames on; toggleAutoTaxonNames off; toggleShowDefaultCharNames off; toggleConstrainCW on; toggleBirdsEye off; toggleShowPaleGrid off; toggleShowPaleCellColors off; toggleShowPaleExcluded off; togglePaleInapplicable on; togglePaleMissing off; toggleShowBoldCellText off; toggleAllowAutosize on; toggleColorsPanel off; toggleDiagonal on; setDiagonalHeight 80; toggleLinkedScrolling on; toggleScrollLinkedTables off; endTell; showWindow; getWindow; tell It; forceAutosize; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AlterData.AlterData; tell It; toggleBySubmenus off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor Red; removeColor off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip; tell It; showStrip on; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector; tell It; autotabOff; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen true; endTell; endTell; endTell; endTell; end;