European Journal of Taxonomy <p>The <em>European Journal of Taxonomy</em> is a peer-reviewed international journal in descriptive taxonomy, covering the eukaryotic world. Its content is fully electronic and <a href="">Open Access</a>. It is published and funded by a <a href="">consortium</a> of European natural history institutions. Neither authors nor readers have to pay fees. All articles published in <em>EJT</em> are compliant with the different nomenclatural codes. <em>EJT</em> is an archived and indexed journal that welcomes scientific contributions from all over the world, both in content and authorship. If you have any questions about <em>EJT</em>, please <a href="">contact us</a></p> EJT Consortium en-US European Journal of Taxonomy 2118-9773 <h3>Creative Commons Copyright Notices</h3> <div class="page"> <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> (CC BY 4.0) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are NOT ALLOWED TO post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to taxonomic issues.</li> </ol> </div> Semi-aquatic Epilamprinae cockroaches (Blattodea: Blaberidae) in Cameroon: towards a revision of continental African species of Rhabdoblatta Kirby, 1903 and Africalolampra Roth, 1995 <p>Although semi-aquatic cockroaches have been known for a long time, these insects remain little studied and their diversity underestimated. While a few species are known from Asia or South America, only a single one is known to be associated with water in Africa. Here, we report two species of semi-aquatic cockroaches of the subfamily Epilamprinae from Cameroon. One of these species is new: <em>Rhabdoblatta fotoi</em> Nyame Mbia, Legendre &amp; Biram à Ngon sp. nov. <em>Africalolampra camerunensis</em> (Borg, 1902) comb. nov. was also found associated to these streams and we provide an extended description of this species, as well as for <em>Africalolampra stipata</em> comb. nov., also known from streams in West Africa. Another species was found in Cameroonian streams and is described here, although only identified at the family level (Blattellidae). The descriptions are based on morpho-anatomic characters, including male genitalia. Because nymphs were found primarily associated with water – more than adults – we provide a description of nymphs whenever possible. We provide molecular data (12S rRNA marker) for two of these water-associated species that we compared with published and unpublished sequences of Epilamprinae in a Maximum Likelihood approach. We also illustrate all but one species from continental Africa in the genera <em>Africalolampra</em> and <em>Rhabdoblatta</em>, including <em>R. punctipennis</em> (Saussure, 1895) which we reinstate. We provide a map and list of localities for <em>Africalolampra </em>and <em>Rhabdoblatta</em> spp. from continental Africa and Madagascar, as well as an identification key for species of <em>Africalolampra</em>. We finally discuss putative adaptations of semi-aquatic cockroaches.</p> Donald-L’or Nyame Mbia Eric Belmond Biram à Ngon Frédéric Legendre Samuel Foto Menbohan Copyright (c) 2024 Donald-L’or Nyame Mbia, Eric Belmond Biram à Ngon, Frédéric Legendre, Samuel Foto Menbohan 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 946 1–57 1–57 10.5852/ejt.2024.946.2615 A comprehensive checklist and host plants of Aphididae (Aphidomorpha: Hemiptera) from Pakistan <p>The family Aphididae (Hemiptera) represents one of the most diverse groups of sap-sucking insect pests referred to as aphids or plant-lice, with 366 species reported in Pakistan, associated with wide array of agricultural and horticultural crops, including fruit and forest trees, weeds, grasses, shrubs, and vines. This work aims to provide an updated checklist of aphids and their associated host plants documented across various regions of Pakistan. The checklist consolidates information from various published literature sources, including annotated checklists, regional distribution data, and host plant records from Pakistan. In this study, we present an annotated checklist of 366 aphid species, belonging to 134 genera and 11 subfamilies, associated with a total of 359 host plant species stretched over 84 families in Pakistan.</p> Muhammad Asghar Hassan Muhammad Asif Samiran Chakrabarti Muhammad Amin Zohair Abbas Zershina Maryam Zafar Iqbal Muhammad Ali Muhammad Qasim Nawaz Haider Bashir Muhammad Yasir Ali Jichun Xing Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Asghar Hassan, Muhammad Asif, Samiran Chakrabarti, Muhammad Amin, Zohair Abbas, Zershina Maryam, Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Qasim, Nawaz Haider Bashir, Muhammad Yasir Ali, Jichun Xing 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 946 1–114 1–114 10.5852/ejt.2024.945.2613 Revision of the Afrotropical genus Afrepipona Giordani Soika, 1965 and description of Afrepsilon gen. nov. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) <p>A taxonomic study on the Afrotropical genera <em>Afrepipona</em> Giordani Soika, 1965 and <em>Afrepsilon</em> gen.&nbsp;nov. is presented. Twenty new species are described, of which 15 are in <em>Afrepipona</em> (<em>Afrepipona anomala</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona cellularis</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona clonata</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona cuprea</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona lamellata</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona lamptula</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona lobulata</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona meridionalis</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona occidentalis</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona orientalis</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona punctatissima</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona scabra</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona segregata</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona ulterior</em> sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepipona vulcanica</em> sp.&nbsp;nov.) and five are in <em>Afrepsilon</em> (<em>Afrepsilon</em> <em>aterrimum </em>gen.&nbsp;et sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepsilon ferrugineoaureum </em>gen.&nbsp;et sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepsilon hybridum </em>gen.&nbsp;et sp.&nbsp;nov., <em>Afrepsilon minor</em> gen.&nbsp;et sp.&nbsp;nov., and <em>Afrepsilon pictum </em>gen.&nbsp;et sp.&nbsp;nov.). <em>Afrepipona lamptoensis</em> Giordani Soika, 1965 is withdrawn from synonymy with <em>A.&nbsp;angusta</em> (de Saussure, 1863) and subsequently revalidated. <em>Afrepipona unifasciata</em> Gusenleitner, 2012 is transferred to the genus <em>Antodynerus</em> de Saussure, 1855 (<em>Antodynerus unifasciatus</em> comb.&nbsp;nov.). Keys to all known species are provided.</p> Marco Selis James M. Carpenter Copyright (c) 2024 Marco Selis, James M. Carpenter 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 946 1–80 1–80 10.5852/ejt.2024.944.2607 New records and five new species of sipunculans (Sipuncula) from the central and northwestern Mexican Pacific – Corrigendum <p>This corrigendum corrects an error in the placement of two figures in the original paper.</p> Julio D. Gómez-Vásquez Copyright (c) 2024 Julio D. Gómez-Vásquez 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 946 310 312 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2609 Re-appraisal of thylacocephalans (Euarthropoda, Thylacocephala) from the Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Lagerstätte – Corrigendum <p>The present corrigendum rectifies several issues with repository numbers of the specimens studied in Laville et al. (2024).</p> Thomas Laville Marie-Béatrice Forel Sylvain Charbonnier Copyright (c) 2024 Thomas Laville, Marie-Béatrice Forel, Sylvain Charbonnier 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 946 308–309 308–309 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2605 Measuring and explaining disagreement in bird taxonomy <p>Species lists play an important role in biology and practical domains like conservation, legislation, biosecurity and trade regulation. However, their effective use by non-specialist scientific and societal users is sometimes hindered by disagreements between competing lists. While it is well-known that such disagreements exist, it remains unclear how prevalent they are, what their nature is, and what causes them. In this study, we argue that these questions should be investigated using methods based on taxon concept rather than methods based on Linnaean names, and use such a concept-based method to quantify disagreement about bird classification and investigate its relation to research effort. We found that there was disagreement about 38% of all groups of birds recognized as a species, more than three times as much as indicated by previous measures. Disagreement about the delimitation of bird groups was the most common kind of conflict, outnumbering disagreement about nomenclature and disagreement about rank. While high levels of conflict about rank were associated with lower levels of research effort, this was not the case for conflict about the delimitation of bird groups. This suggests that taxonomic disagreement cannot be resolved simply by increasing research effort.</p> Stijn Conix Vincent Cuypers Charles H. Pence Copyright (c) 2024 Stijn Conix, Vincent Cuypers, Charles H. Pence 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 946 288–307 288–307 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2601 Integrative taxonomy reveals unanticipated hidden diversity in the monotypic goosefish genus Lophiomus (Teleostei, Lophiidae), with description of three new species and resurrection of Chirolophius laticeps Ogilby, 1910 <p>Thought to be monotypic for decades<em>, </em>the only species in the goosefish genus <em>Lophiomus</em> Gill, <em>Lm.&nbsp;setigerus </em>(Vahl), shows a wide range of morphological variation and is distributed widely in the Indo-West Pacific (IWP). In this study, datasets for two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes sequences obtained from samples of <em>Lophiomus</em> collected in different localities across the IWP were constructed and analyzed to explore the phylogeny and species diversity within the genus. Our integrated approach with multiline evidence unveiled an unanticipated richness of at least six delimited species of <em>Lophiomus</em>. Herein, based on materials already available from museums and new specimens obtained primarily through the <em>Tropical Deep-Sea Benthos</em> program surveying IWP benthic fauna, we formally describe three new species: <em>Lm.&nbsp;immaculioralis </em>sp.&nbsp;nov.,<em> Lm.&nbsp;nigriventris </em>sp.&nbsp;nov., and <em>Lm.&nbsp;carusoi</em> sp.&nbsp;nov. Also, we resurrect <em>Lm.&nbsp;laticeps</em> stat. rev. from synonyms of <em>Lm.&nbsp;setigerus</em>. These species can be diagnosed by genetics, body coloration, patterns on the floor of the mouth, peritoneum pigmentation, morphometric measurements, and meristic counts of cranial spines, dorsal-fin spines, and pectoral-fin and pelvic-fin rays from each other and from <em>Lm.&nbsp;setigerus</em>. The species <em>Lm.&nbsp;setigerus</em>, as well as the genus <em>Lophiomus</em>, are re-described accordingly based on the new results. Amended identification keys to the four extant lophiid genera and to species of <em>Lophiomus</em> are also provided.</p> Hsuan-Pu Chen Mao-Ying Lee Wei-Jen Chen Copyright (c) 2024 Hsuan-Pu Chen, Mao-Ying Lee, Wei-Jen Chen 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 946 239–287 239–287 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2599 Review of the genera Orionis Shaw and Stenothremma Shaw (Braconidae) from India, with description of three new species <p>The Indian species of the genera <em>Orionis</em> Shaw and <em>Stenothremma </em>Shaw (Braconidae, Euphorinae) are reviewed. Both genera are reported for the first time from India. Three new species, <em>Orionis</em> <em>shillongensis </em>Gupta, van Achterberg &amp; Pattar sp. nov. from north-eastern India (Meghalaya), <em>O.</em>&nbsp;<em>femorator</em> Gupta, van Achterberg &amp; Pattar sp. nov. from southern India (Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) and <em>Stenothremma flavator</em> Gupta &amp; van Achterberg sp. nov. from southern India (Karnataka) are illustrated and described. A key to the Old World species of <em>Orionis</em> Shaw is provided.</p> Ankita Gupta Cornelis van Achterberg Rohit Pattar H.M. Hemanth Kumar S.N. Sushil Copyright (c) 2024 Ankita Gupta, Cornelis van Achterberg, Rohit Pattar, H.M. Hemanth Kumar, S.N. Sushil 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 946 218–238 218–238 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2597 Dendrodorididae (Heterobranchia, Nudibranchia) from Persian Gulf with a description of a new species of Doriopsilla and remarks on the family <p>The family Dendrodorididae has a global distribution, with prevalence in tropical and subtropical intertidal zones. Three species of Dendrodorididae were collected from the intertidal zone of the northern coast of the Persian Gulf in Iran. Based on anatomical, histological, and molecular investigations they can be assigned to <em>Dendrodoris fumata</em>, <em>Dendrodoris nigra</em>, and a new species of <em>Doriopsilla</em>, <em>D.&nbsp;aroni</em> sp. nov. Molecular analyses of CO1 and 16S, including all genera of Dendrodorididae, members of the sister taxon Phyllidiidae, and other dorid outgroups resulted in a polyphyletic genus&nbsp;<em>Dendrodoris</em>, which is in contrast to the nuclear gene studies. Our&nbsp;molecular results&nbsp;confirm the differentiation between&nbsp;<em>Dendrodoris rubra</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>D. fumata</em>.&nbsp;<em>Dendrodoris nigra</em>,<em> D. fumata</em>, and <em>D.&nbsp;krusensternii</em>&nbsp;each consist&nbsp;of several clades,&nbsp;indicating&nbsp;cryptic species complexes&nbsp;requiring further investigation. We describe the presence of bacteria for the first time in the vestibular gland of <em>D.&nbsp;fumata</em>. Validation of the specimens of <em>Doriopsilla </em>from the Persian Gulf as a new species is supported by haplotype&nbsp;networking, genetic distance,&nbsp;and ABGD analyses of&nbsp;mitochondrial&nbsp;genes. Our CO1 analysis confirms a previous&nbsp;hypothesis that&nbsp;<em>Cariopsilla</em> is a junior synonym of&nbsp;<em>Doriopsilla.</em></p> Fatemeh Maniei Heike Wägele Copyright (c) 2024 Fatemeh Maniei, Heike Wägele 2024-07-09 2024-07-09 946 179–217 179–217 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2595 On the Neotropical species of the spider genus Tekellina Levi, 1957 (Arachnida: Araneae: Synotaxidae) <p>The genus<em> Tekellina</em> Levi, 1957 is currently composed of ten species, six of which are Neotropical. They are small-sized spiders (0.9 to 1.5&nbsp;mm), with a wide distribution, with a great diversity in the Neotropical Region and well represented in Brazil. In this article, males and females of the species <em>Tekellina bella </em>Marques &amp; Buckup, 1993 and <em>T.&nbsp;crica</em> Marques&nbsp;&amp; Buckup, 1993 are redescribed and illustrated. The female of <em>Tekellina minor </em>Marques &amp; Buckup, 1993 is described and illustrated for the first time. New records are included for Neotropical species. <em>Tekellina guaiba </em>Marques &amp; Buckup, 1993 is synonymized with <em>T.&nbsp;pretiosa</em> Marques &amp; Buckup, 1993. Three new species are described for Brazil: <em>Tekellina picurrucha </em>Rodrigues &amp; Estol sp. nov. (São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul), <em>Tekellina</em> <em>miuda</em> Rodrigues&nbsp;&amp; Estol sp.&nbsp;nov. (São Paulo and Paraná) and <em>Tekellina miudinha</em> Rodrigues &amp; Estol sp. nov. (São Paulo). Distribution maps with new records and an identification key of the Neotropical species are also presented.</p> Narelle Estol Victor Hugo Valiati Antonio D. Brescovit Everton Nei Lopes Rodrigues Copyright (c) 2024 Narelle Estol, Victor Hugo Valiati, Antonio D. Brescovit, Everton Nei Lopes Rodrigues 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 946 154–178 154–178 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2593