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Janssens, Steven B., Meise Botanic Garden, Meise, Belgium
Japir, Razy, Forest Research Centre (Sepilok), Sabah Forestry Department, P.O. Box 1407, 90715 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
Japoshvili, George, Agricultural University of Georgia, 240 Agmashenebli Alley, Tbilisi
Japoshvili, George, Agricultural University of Georgia, 240 Agmashenebli Alley, Tbilisi, Georgia
Jara-Muñoz, Orlando A., Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Jarms, Gerhard, Zoological Institute and Museum, University of Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg
Jarquín-Martínez, Ubaldo, Universidad del Mar, campus Puerto Ángel, Laboratorio de Sistemática de Invertebrados Marinos (LABSIM), Ciudad Universitaria, Puerto Ángel, Oaxaca, 70902, México
Jarzabek-Müller, Andrea, Anton-Hilz-Straße 42, D-94566 Riedlhütte
Jaschhof, Catrin, Station Linné, Ölands Skogsby 161, SE-38693 Färjestaden
Jaschhof, Mathias, Station Linné, Ölands Skogsby 161, 38693 Färjestaden, Sweden
Jaschhof, Mathias, Station Linné, Ölands Skogsby 161, SE-38693 Färjestaden
Jasso-Martínez, Jovana M., Colección Nacional de Insectos, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 3er Circuito Exterior s/n, Cd. Universitaria, Copilco, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, Mexico
Jaume-Schinkel, Santiago, Museum Koenig, Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels, Adenauerallee 127, D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Jebb, Matthew, National Botanic Garden, Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Jennings, Andrew P., SMALL CARNIVORES – Research and Conservation, 83 St. Lawrence Street, Portland, 04101 Maine
Jensen, Laura Mark, Natural History Museum of Denmark (Zoological Museum), University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Jeratthitikul, Ekgachai, Animal Systematics and Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Jérôme, Constant, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, O.D. Phylogeny and Taxonomy, Entomology, Vautier Street 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Jersabek, Christian D., Department of Organismal Biology, University of Salzburg, A–5020 Salzburg
Ježek, Jan, National Museum, Department of Entomology, Cirkusová 1740, CZ – 193 00 Praha 9 – Horní Počernice, Czech Republic

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