Re-description of Dysponetus joeli Olivier et al., 2012 (Polychaeta, Chrysopetalidae), with a new key to species of the genus

  • Teresa Darbyshire Amgueddfa Cymru–National Museum Wales Department of Biodiversity & Systematic Biology Cathays Park Cardiff
Keywords: Dysponetus, tentacular cirri, ventral cirri, cirrophores


Dysponetus is a genus of the family Chrysopetalidae with twelve currently described species. Specimens are fragile and easily damaged or broken during sampling making identification difficult. The most recently described species, Dysponetus joeli Olivier et al., 2012, from the Bay of Biscay and English Channel, was described from a few small, damaged and poorly preserved specimens. New specimens from the Isles of Scilly, in much better condition, resembled D. joeli except for the absence of ventral cirri on segment 3. Examination of the type material of D. joeli showed it to be identical to these new specimens and highlighted errors in the original description of the species. This paper corrects the errors and a revised key to species is produced. The differences between D. joeli and the two most similar species, D. bipapillatus Dahlgren, 1996 and D. macroculatus Dahlgren, 1996 are also detailed.


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How to Cite
Darbyshire, T. (2012). Re-description of Dysponetus joeli Olivier et al., 2012 (Polychaeta, Chrysopetalidae), with a new key to species of the genus. European Journal of Taxonomy, (27).