EJT 2019 Journal Impact Factor is 1.393 and is now also cited in the category “PLANT SCIENCES”!


The editors of the European Journal of Taxonomy are very happy to announce that the Journal Impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) of 2019 is 1.393, as compared to 1.188 in 2018, a very clear increase. In addition, EJT is now represented in three categories of the Web of Science: Zoology (68/168), Entomology (45/101) and now also Plant Science (130/234), thus covering all eukaryotic organisms that EJT publishes on. EJT is firmly positioned in the second quartile (Q2) in Entomology and Zoology and in the third quartile (Q3) regarding Plant sciences, thus showing that taxonomic papers can indeed be well-cited. We thank all authors, referees and readers for their continuous help in advancing our diamond open access journal in descriptive taxonomy. The unrelenting support of the ten institutional members of the EJT consortium is absolutely vital, especially during these difficult times of the corona pandemic. The continued endorsement of EJT by CETAF is gratefully acknowledged.