Taxonomy of the spring dwelling amphipod Synurella ambulans (Crustacea: Crangonyctidae) in West Russia: with notes on its distribution and ecology

  • Dmitry A. Sidorov Department of Zoology, Institute of Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS
  • Dmitry Palatov Dept of Hydrobiology, Moscow State University
Keywords: Amphipoda, Synurella ambulans, distribution, ecology, springs


This study deals with taxonomic problems of the semi-subterranean crangonyctid amphipod Synurella ambulans (F. Müller, 1846), well-known from various freshwater habitats in Europe. The taxonomy of the species S. ambulans and the generic diagnosis for the genus Synurella are revised. A new synonymy is proposed: Synurella ambulans (F. Müller, 1846) = Synurella ambulans meschtscherica Borutzky, 1929, syn. nov. The affinity with the related groups, distribution and ecology of the species are examined.

Author Biography

Dmitry A. Sidorov, Department of Zoology, Institute of Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS
Department of Zoology senior staff scientist


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How to Cite
Sidorov, D. A., & Palatov, D. (2012). Taxonomy of the spring dwelling amphipod Synurella ambulans (Crustacea: Crangonyctidae) in West Russia: with notes on its distribution and ecology. European Journal of Taxonomy, (23).