Mastigotragus, a new generic name for Mastigoteuthis pyrodes Young, 1972 (Cephalopoda: Mastigoteuthidae)

  • Richard E. Young University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Michael Vecchione NMFS National Systematics Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
  • Heather E. Braid Institute for Applied Ecology New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland
Keywords: Mastigoteuthidae, morphology, nomenclature, Mastigotragus gen. nov., deep-sea squid


A recent paper on the phylogenetic relationships of species within the cephalopod family Mastigoteuthidae made great progress in stabilizing the classification of the family. The authors, however, left the generic placement of Mastigoteuthis pyrodes unresolved. This problem is corrected here by placing this species in a new monotypic genus, Mastigotragus, based on unique structures of the photophores and the funnel/mantle locking apparatus.


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How to Cite
Young, R. E., Vecchione, M., & Braid, H. E. (2014). Mastigotragus, a new generic name for Mastigoteuthis pyrodes Young, 1972 (Cephalopoda: Mastigoteuthidae). European Journal of Taxonomy, (105).