Ostracoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) from the Riachuelo Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil, Upper Aptian-Albian

  • Lucas Silveira Antonietto Laboratory of Micropaleontology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, Darcy Ribeiro Campus, CEP 70919-970 Brasilia, Distrito Federal
  • Dermeval Aparecido do Carmo Laboratory of Micropaleontology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Brasilia, Darcy Ribeiro Campus, CEP 70919-970 Brasilia, Distrito Federal
  • Marta Claudia Viviers Petrobras-CENPES-PDGEO/BRA, Horácio Macedo Avenue, 950, CEP 21940-900, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
  • João Villar Queiroz Neto Petrobras-CENPES-PDGEO/BRA, Horácio Macedo Avenue, 950, CEP 21940-900, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
  • Gene Hunt Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 10th Street & Constitution Avenue NW, 20560-0121 Washington D.C.
Keywords: Ostracoda, Early Cretaceous, northeastern Brazil, Proto-Atlantic Ocean, Gabonorygma gen. nov.


The Sergipe-Alagoas Basin has one of the most complete, exposed lithological successions of the Cretaceous period in the continental margin of Brazil. It captures several phases of the evolution of the South Atlantic Ocean, including rift, gulf and drift. The upper Aptian–Albian Riachuelo Formation corresponds to the first stages of the southern proto-Atlantic Ocean invasion in that basin. The present study reviews the taxonomic identification and ecology of 39 ostracod species of this formation, proposing a new genus – Gabonorygma gen. nov. – and three new species – Praebythoceratina deltalata sp. nov., Gabonorygma sergipana gen. et sp. nov. and Brachycythere smithsoniana sp. nov. Other taxa include Conchoecia? sp. 1, Cytherella sp. 1, C. besrineensis comb. nov., Cytherelloidea aff. globosa, C. btaterensis, Bairdoppilata sp. 1, Bairdoppilata sp. 2, B. comanchensis comb. nov., B. pseudoseptentrionalis, Robsoniella falklandensis, Cetacella sp. 1, Paracypris eniotmetos, Harbinia sinuata?, H. crepata, Liasina sp. 1, Praebythoceratina amsittenensis comb. nov., P. trinodosa comb. nov., Patellacythere sp. 1, P. shimonensis comb. nov., Xestoleberis? sp. 1, Xestoleberis? sp. 2, Apatocythere? sp. 1, Neocythere? aff. pseudovanveeni, N. (Physocythere) tenuis, Aracajuia antiqua comb. nov., A. benderi, A. fragilis comb. nov., Eocytheropteron sp. 1, Metacytheropteron aff. minuta, Microceratina? sp. 1, M. azazoulensis, Veenia guianensis, Algeriana? sp. 1, Quasihermanites? sp. 1 and Sergipella viviersae.


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How to Cite
Antonietto, L. S., Carmo, D. A. do, Viviers, M. C., Neto, J. V. Q., & Hunt, G. (2016). Ostracoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea) from the Riachuelo Formation, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil, Upper Aptian-Albian. European Journal of Taxonomy, (244). https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2016.244