Family-group names of fossil fishes
Abel O. 1919. Die Stämme der Wirbeltiere. Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin.
Afanassieva O.B. 1991. [The Osteostracans of the USSR (Agnatha)]. Transactions of the Palaeontological Institute (Academy of Sciences of the USSR) / Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta, Akademia Nauk SSSR 248: 1–144. [In Russian, with English summary and contents. Author also seen as Afanas’eva.]
Afanassieva O.B. 1996. On the morphology and systematic position of tremataspid osteostracan Aestiaspis viitaensis (Agnatha). Paleontological Journal 30 (5): 566–570. [Also in Russian Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1996 (4): 68–72.]
Afanassieva O.B. 2004. [Agnathans and early fishes: subclass Osteostraci (osteostracans)]. In: Novitskaya L.I. & Afanassieva O.B. (eds) Iskopayemyye pozvonochnyye Rossii i sopredel’nykh stran. Beschelyustnyye i drevniye ryby. Spravochnik dlya paleontologov, biologov i geologov [Fossil Vertebrates of Russia and adjacent countries. The reference book for paleontologists, biologists and geologists]: 210–267. GEOS, Моscow. [In Russian.]
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Agassiz L. 1833–43. Recherches sur les poissons fossiles. Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 5 vols with atlas. [Dates as reported by Brown in Woodward & Sherborn (1890: xxv–xxix) with some correction by Sherborn (1922: xv).]
Agnolin F. 2010. A new species of the genus Atlantoceratodus (Dipnoiformes: Cerat-odontoidei) from the Uppermost Cretaceous of Patagonia and a brief overview of fossil dipnoans from the Cretaceous and Paleogene of South America. Brazilian Geographical Journal: Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium 1 (2): 162–210. Available from [accessed 27 Jul. 2018].
Aldinger H. 1937. Permische Ganoidfische aus Ostgrönland. Meddelelser om Grønland 102 (3): 1–392.
Altner M. & Reichenbacher B. 2015. ?Kenyaichthyidae fam. nov. and ?Kenyaichthys gen. nov. First record of a fossil aplocheiloid killifish (Teleostei, Cyprinodontiformes). PLoS One 10 (4): e0123056.
Alvarado-Ortega J. 2004. Description and relationships of a new ichthyodectiform fish from the Tlayúa Formation (Early Cretaceous: Albian), Puebla, Mexico. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24 (4): 802–813.[0802:DAROAN]2.0.CO;2
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Andreev P.S., Coates M.I., Shelton R.M., Cooper P.R., Smith M.P. & Sansom I.J. 2015. Upper Ordovician chondrichthyan-like scales from North America. Palaeontology 58 (4): 691–704.
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Andrews S.M., Gardiner B.G., Miles R.S. & Patterson C. 1967. Chapter 26 Pisces. In: Harland W.B. et al. (eds) The Fossil Record: 637–683. Geological Society of London, London.
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Applegate S.P. 2001a. The Origin of the Lamniform Sharks, a Study in Morphology and Paleontology of Recent and Fossil Genera. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society 2001. [Work not published according to ICZN Art. 8.]
Applegate S.P. 2001b. The Pycnodont Fauna from the lower Cretaceous of Tepexi de Rodriguez (Puebla, Mexico): 3. Abstracts of the International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes Systematics, Paleoenvironments and Biodiversity. Serpiano-Monte San Giorgio (TI-CH) 26–31 August 2001. [Work not published according to ICZN Art. 8.]
Arambourg E. 1927. Les poissons fossiles d’Oran, matériaux pour la carte géologique de l’Algérie (1e série Paléontologie no. 6). J. Carbonel, Algiers.
Arambourg C. 1941. Le groupe des Ganopristinés. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France (série 5) 10: 127–147.
Arambourg C. 1944. Note préliminaire sur quelques poissons fossiles nouveaux. I. Les poissons du Jebel Tselfat (Maroc). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France (série 5) 13: 281–288.
Arambourg C. 1955. Les poissons crétacés du Jebel Tselfat (Maroc). Notes et Mémoires du Service géologique du Maroc No. 118: 1–188.
Arambourg C. 1958. Classe des Placodermes (Placodermi). In: Grassé P.P. (ed.) Traité de Zoologie Tome 13 Fascicule 3: 1990–2009. Masson & Cie, Paris.
Arambourg C. 1967. Résultats scientifiques de la mission C. Arambourg en Syrie et en Iran (1938–1939). II. Les poissons oligocènes de l’Iran. Notes et Mémoires sur le Moyen-Orient 8: 11–247.
Arambourg C. & Bertin L. 1958. Super-ordres des holostéens et des halecostomes (Holostei et Halecostomi). In: Grassé P.P. (ed.) Traité de Zoologie Tome 13 Fascicule 3: 2173–2203. Masson & Cie, Paris.
Arratia G. 1981. Varasichthys ariasi n. gen. et sp. from the Upper Jurassic of Chile (Pisces, Teleostei, Varasichthyidae n. fam.). Palaeontographica (Abteilung A: Paläozoologie–Stratigraphie) 175 (4/6): 107–139.
Arratia G. 1982. Chongichthys dentatus, new genus and species from the Late Jurassic of Chile (Pisces, Teleostei: Chongichthyidae, new family). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 2 (2): 133–149. Available from [accessed 27 Jul. 2018].
Arratia G. 1997. Basal teleosts and teleostean phylogeny. Palaeo Ichthyologica 7: 1–168.
Arratia G. 2016. New remarkable Late Jurassic teleosts from southern Germany: Ascalaboidae n. fam., its content, morphology, and phylogenetic relationships. Fossil Record 19: 31–59.
Arratia G. 2017. New Triassic teleosts (Actinopterygii, Teleosteomorpha) from northern Italy and their phylogenetic relationships among the most basal teleosts. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 37 (2): [1–24] e1312690.
Arratia G. & Chorn J. 1998. A new primitive acanthomorph fish from the Greenhorn Formation (Late Cretaceous) of Nebraska. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18 (2): 301–314. Available from [accessed 27 Jul. 2018].
Arratia G. & Schultze H.-P. 2015. A new fossil actinistian from the Early Jurassic of Chile and its bearing on the phylogeny of Actinistia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35 (5): e983524.
Arsenault M. & Janvier Ph. 1995. Combien d’Ostéostracés à Miguasha? In: Lelièvre H., Wenz S. & Cloutier R. (eds) Premiers Vertébrés et Vertébrés inférieurs. Geobios Mémoire Spécial 19: 19–22.
Asmuss H. 1856. Das vollkommenste Hautskelett der bisher bekannten Thierreihe, an fossilen Fischen des alten rothen Sandsteins aufgefunden und aus ihren Resten erläutert. Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Magisterwürde. Schünmanns Wittwe & Mattiesen, Dorpat.
Azpelicueta M.M. & Cione A.L. 2011. Redescription of the Eocene catfish Bachmannia chubutensis (Teleostei: Bachmanniidae) of southern South America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31 (2): 258–269.
Bannikov A.F. 1984. The new subfamily of carangid fishes. Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 2. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca IV: 319–321.
Bannikov A.F. 1990. Iskopayemye stavridovye i voron-ryby SSSR [Fossil carangids and apolectids of the USSR]. Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (Akademiya Nauk SSSR) [Transactions of the Paleontological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR] 244: 1–108. [In Russian.]
Bannikov A.F. 1991a. On the systematic position of the family Caproidae with reference to the Eocene genus Acanthonemus. Voprosy ikhtiologii 31 (2): 179–188. [In Russian; English translation in Journal of Ichthyology: 47–58.]
Bannikov A.F. 1991b. A new family of the Oligocene perciform fishes. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1991 (4): 88–94.
Bannikov A.F. 1991c. An Eocene veliferoid (Teleostei, Lampridiformes) from Bolca. Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 3. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca VI (for 1990): 161–174.
Bannikov A.F. 1995. Morphology and phylogeny of fossil stromateoid fishes (Perciformes). Geobios 28 (Supplement 2): 177–181.
Bannikov A.F. 1999. Unusual new percoid fish from the Eocene of Bolca. Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 5. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca VIII: 117–128.
Bannikov A.F. 2004. Eocottidae, a new family of perciform fishes (Teleostei) from the Eocene of northern Italy (Bolca). Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 7. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca X: 17–35.
Bannikov A.F. 2005. New cardinalfishes (Perciformes, Apogonidae) from the Eocene of Bolca, northern Italy. Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 8. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca XI: 119–140.
Bannikov A.F. 2006. Bassanichthys, a new replacement generic name for the Eocene fish Bassania Bannikov, 2004 (Teleostei, Perciformes). Paleontological Journal 40 (3): 340.
Bannikov A.F. 2008. Revision of the atheriniform fish genera Rhamphognathus Agassiz and Mesogaster Agassiz (Teleostei) from the Eocene of Bolca, northern Italy. Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 9. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca XII: 77–97. Available from [accessed 27 Jul. 2018].
Bannikov A.F. 2011. A new percoid fish (Perciformes) related to Hendrixella from the Eocene of Bolca, Italy. Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 10. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca XIII: 7–16.
Available from [accessed 27 Jul. 2018].
Bannikov A.F. 2013. A new late neogene genus of croakers (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) from the Eastern Black Sea Region. Paleontological Journal 47 (2): 190–198. [Also in Russian Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 47 (2): 60–69.]
Bannikov A.F. 2014a. The new genus Eoleiognathus for the percoid fish Pygaeus dorsalis Agassiz from the Eocene of Bolca in northern Italy, a putative ponyfish (Perciformes, Leiognathidae). Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 12. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca XV: 35–42. Available from [accessed 27 Jul. 2018].
Bannikov A.F. 2014b. A new genus of the family Palaeocentrotidae (Teleostei, Lampridiformes) from the Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus and comments on other fossil Veliferoidei. Paleontological Journal 48 (6): 624–632. [Also in Russian Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 48 (6): 50–58.]
Bannikov A.F. & Bacchia F. 2000. A remarkable clupeomorph fish (Pisces, Teleostei) from a new Upper Cretaceous marine locality in Lebanon. Senckenbergiana lethaea 80 (1): 3–11.
Bannikov A.F. & Carnevale G. 2012. A long-bodied centriscoid fish from the basal Eocene of Kabardino-Balkaria, northern Caucasus, Russia. Naturwissenschaften 99 (5): 379–389.
Bannikov A.F. & Carnevale G. 2017. Eocene ghost pipefishes (Teleostei, Solenostomidae) from Monte Bolca, Italy. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 56 (3): 319–331.
Bannikov A.F. & Daniltshenko P.G. 1985. A new family of cenozoic bream (order Beryciformes). Transactions of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Earth science) 283: 197–199. [Second author also seen as Danil’chenco.]
Bannikov A.F. & Fedotov V.F. 1984. Novoye semeystvo iskopayemykh kolyuchepyorykh ryb [A new family of fossil acanthopterygian fishes]. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR / Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences de l’URSS 276 (3): 708–710. [In Russian, with English summary, English edition: 178–180.]
Bannikov A.F. & Sorbini C. 2005. A new beryciform genus and family from the Cenomanian of Hajula (Lebanon). In: Extended abstracts of the fourth international meeting on Mesozoic fishes - systematics, homology, and nomenclature, August 8th–14th 2005, Madrid, Spain, UAM Ediciones: 29–32. [Available publication?]
Bannikov A.F. & Tyler J.C. 2002. A new genus and species of rabbitfish (Acanthuroidei: Siganidae) from the Eocene of Monte Bolca, Italy. Miscellanea Paleontologica n. 6. Studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di Bolca IX: 37–45.
Bannikov A.F., Parin N.V. & Pinna J. 1985. Rhamphexocoetus volans, gen. et sp. nov. a new beloniform fish (Beloniformes, Exocoetoidei) from the Lower Eocene of Italy. Voprosy Ikhtiologii 25 (2): 343–346. [In Russian, translated in Journal of Ichthyology: 150–155.]
Bannikov A.F., Carnevale G. & Parin N.V. 2011. The new family Caucasichthyidae (Pisces, Perciformes) from the Eocene of the North Caucasus. Paleontological Journal 45 (1): 83–89.
Bannikov A.F., Tyler J.C., Arcila D. & Carnevale G. 2016. A new family of gymnodont fish (Tetraodontiformes) from the earliest Eocene of the Peri-Tethys (Kabardino-Balkaria, northern Caucasus, Russia). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15 (2): 129–146. [Published online 3 Mar. 2016: 1–18.]
Bannikov A.F., Carnevale G. & Popov Y.A. 2017. An extraordinary pipefish (Teleostei, Syngnathidae) with fully developed anal fin from the Oligocene of the North Caucasus (SW Russia). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 56 (1): 79–88.
Bardack D. & Zangerl R. 1971. Lampreys in the fossil record. In: Hardisty M.W. & Potter I.C. (eds) The Biology of Lampreys Volume 1: 67–84. Academic Press, London.
Bartholomai A. 2010. A new Albian teleost, Euroka dunravenensis gen. et sp. nov. and a new family, Eurokidae, from the Eromanga Basin of Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum–Nature 55 (1): 69–85. Available from [accessed 9 Sep. 2018].
Bartram A.W.H. 1975. The holostean fish genus Ophiopsis Agassiz. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 56 (3): 183–205.
Bartram A.W.H. 1977. The Macrosemiidae, a Mesozoic family of holostean fishes. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology 29 (2): 137–234.
Bassani Fr. 1879a. Vorläufige Mittheilungen über die Fischfauna der Insel Lesina. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 1879 (8): 162–170.
Bassani Fr. 1879b. Ueber einige fossile Fische von Comen. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 1879 (9): 204–205.
Beaumont G. de 1960. Contribution à l’étude des genres Orthacodus Woodward et Notidanus Cuvier (Selachii). Mémoire suisse de Paléontologie 77: 4–36.
Beltan L. 1990. New Permian actinopterygian families from Uruguay. Acta Musei Reginaehradecensis series A Scientiae naturales 22 [for 1989]: 79–86.
Bemis W.E. 2016. Species and the fossil record of Fishes. In: Allmon W.D. & Yacobucci M.M. (eds) Species and Speciation in the Fossil Record: 312–339. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Bemis K.E., Tyler J.C., Bemis W.E., Kumar K., Singh Rana R. & Smith T. 2018. A gymnodont fish jaw with remarkable molariform teeth from the early Eocene of Gujarat, India (Teleostei, Tetraodontiformes). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 37 (6): [1–10] e1369422.
Benton M.J. (ed.) 1993. The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London.
Berg L.S. 1936. Teleopterina n. g., a highly organized acanthopterygian from the Carboniferous of North America. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR / Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences de l’URSS (N.S.) 4 (7): 345–347.
Berg L.S. 1940. Sistema ryboobraznykh i ryb, nyne zhivushchikh i iskopaemykh / Classification of fishes, both recent and fossil. Trudy Zoologicheskogo instituta Akademiia nauk Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik / Travaux de l’Institut Zoologique de l’Académie des Sciences de l’URSS 5 (2): 87–517. [In Russian, with complete English translation.] [Published after 23 July.]
Berg L.S. 1941. Lower Triassic fishes of the Tunguska coal basin, Yenisei, Siberia [Fische aus der Untertrias der Tunguska-Niederung]. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Biological Sciences (3): 458–474. [In Russian.]
Berg L.S. 1955. Sistema ryboobraznykh i ryb, nyne zhivushchikh i isokopaemykh. 2-e izdanie [Classification of fishes and fish-like animals, living and fossil, 2nd edition]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademiia nauk Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik / Travaux de l’Institut zoologique de l’Académie des Sciences de l’URSS] 20: 1–286. [In Russian, German translation 1958: System der rezenten and fossilen Fischartigen und Fische. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin; citation to the ‘German page numbers’.]
Berg L.S., Kazantseva A.A. & Obruchev D.V. 1964. [Palaeonisci]. In: Obruchev D.V. (ed.) Osnovy paleontologii [Fundamentals of Paleontology] Vol. XI Agnatha, Pisces: 336–370. Izdatel’stvo ‘Nauka’, Moscow. [In Russian, English translation 1967, Fundamentals of Paleontology, Vol. XI. Agnatha, Pisces. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem.]
Bernacsek G.M. 1977. A lungfish cranium from the Middle Devonian of the Yukon Territory, Canada. Palaeontographica (Abteilung A: Paläozoologie–Stratigraphie) 157 (4/6): 175–200.
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Bertin L. & Arambourg C. 1958. Super-ordre des téléostéens (Teleostei). In: Grassé P.P. (ed.) Traité de Zoologie Tome 13 Fascicule 3: 2204–2500. Masson & Cie, Paris.
Betancur-R. R., Broughton R.E., Wiley E.O., Carpenter K., Lopez J.A., Li C., Holcroft N.I., Arcila D., Sanciangco M., Cureton J., Zhang F., Buser T., Campbell M., Rowley T., Ballesteros J.A., Lu G., Grande T., Arratia G. & Ortí G. 2013. The tree of life and a new classification of bony fishes. PLoS Currents Tree of Life. [28 April 2013]
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Billberg G.J. 1833. Om ichthyologien och beskrifning öfver några nya fiskarter af samkäksslägtet Syngnathus. Linnéska Samfundets Handlingar 1: 47–55. [In Swedish.] Available from [accessed 17 Jul. 2018].
Bleeker P. 1859. Enumeratio specierum piscium hucusque in Archipelago indico observatarum, adjectis habitationibus citationibusque, ubi descriptiones earum recentiores reperiuntur, nec non speciebus Musei Bleekeriani Bengalensibus, Japonicis, Capensibus Tasmanicisque. Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae [Verhandelingen der Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indië] 6. Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indië, Batavia. Available from [accessed 25 Sep. 2018].
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Blot J. 1976. Les Anguilliformes fossiles du Monte Bolca (Eocène inférieur). 26th Congress of European Ichthyologists, Paris, 1976. Revue des travaux de l’Institut des pêches maritimes 40 (3–4): 509–511.
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Bock W. 1959. New Eastern American Triassic fishes and Triassic correlations. Geological Center Research Series 1: 1–184.
Bonaparte C.L. 1831. Saggio di una distribuzione metodica degli animali vertebrati, Roma. [Also 1832. Saggio d’una distribuzione .. vertebrati a sangue freddo. Presso Antonio Boulzaler, Rome; also in Giornale Arcadico di Scienze Lettere ed Arti 52 (1831): 155–189. Saggio di una distribuzione metodica deglianimali vertebrati (1832): 89–123; pagination in all 4 works differs.]
Bonaparte C.L. 1835. Prodromus systematis ichthyologiae. [Also published in 1840: Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali Bologna (Ser. 1) 2 (4): 181–196, 272–277.]
Bonaparte C.L. 1837. Synopsis vertebratorum systematis. [Also published in 1838: Nuovi Annali delle Scienze naturali Bologna (Ser. 1) 1 (2): 126–133.]
Bonaparte C.L. 1845. Specchio generale del sistema ittiologico. Atti della sesta Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani 6: 386–390. [Also published as a separate in 1845: Specchio generale dei sistemi erpetologico, anfibiologico ed ittiologico. Giacomo Pirola, Milano.]
Bonaparte C.L. 1846. Catalogo metodico dei pesci europei. Atti della Settima Adunanza degli Scienziati Italiani, Napoli, Part 2: 1–95. [Including Specchio generale del sistema ittiologico p. 3–9; also issued as separate, Napoli 1846.]
Bonaparte C.L. 1850a. Conspectus systematis ichtyologiae Caroli L. Bonaparte. Editio reformata 1850. Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali e rendiconto dei lavori dell’Accademia della Scienze dell’Instituto di Bologna con appendice agraria, Bologna (Ser. 3) 6: 453–456. [Also as a reprint.]
Bonaparte C.L. 1850b. Conspectus systematis ichthyologiae Caroli-Luciani Bonaparte, Classis V Pisces, Editio reformata. E. J. Brill, Lugduni Batavorum, 1 folio table.
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