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Impact factor1.1
EJT statistics(range: 1 October – 31 December 2024)
Average time between submission and acceptance: 22 weeks between acceptance and publication: 18 weeks between submission and publication: 40 weeks
Scopus CiteScore 20232.3
Taxa published in EJTare recorded in:Plazi TreatmentBankGBIFZooBankInternational Plant names Index (IPNI)Zoological Record
EJT is indexed in:Web of ScienceDOAJGoogle ScholarVirtual Library of Biology (Vifabio)Science Citation Index Expanded (Entomology | Zoology | Plant Sciences)Journal Citation Reports (Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences|Biological Abstracts|BIOSIS Previews |Essential Science Indicators |Zoological Record)Scimago Journal & Country Rank
Special EJT publication:DNA Library of Life